Chapter 18 - Slaves of the Republic

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In D'Nar's ship, Kennedy, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Rex watched as Zygerria grew closer to them in front of the cockpit window. Many other ships of all shapes and sizes also headed toward the slaver planet.

"It looks like Zygerria is a popular place these days," Anakin pointed out.

"Hmm," Obi-Wan hummed. "Whatever is happening is attracting plenty of high-class scum." He crossed his arms over his Zygerrian slaver chest plate. Both Anakin and Rex were also wearing similar armor.

Anakin swiveled his pilot chair so that he faced Kennedy and Ahsoka. "We're beginning out decent. You two should start getting dressed."

"As you wish, Master," Ahsoka bows to Anakin who rolled his eyes and shook his head at her display. Kennedy could tell Ahsoka didn't like the fact that they had to play the slaves. The way Kennedy saw it was that it wouldn't really make sense if two teenage girls were playing the Masters to grown men.

In their quarters, they had laid out their slave costumes they had found in the ship's storage. Kennedy held up the costume and grimaced at the lack of fabric.

After she slipped into the flowy two-piece outfit, she caught a glance of herself in the mirror.

Her top was tight and cropped just below her chest with the neckline plunged lower than Kennedy was comfortable with. From her shoulders down, the sleeves turned sheer and flowy, swishing with every movement of her arms. The skirt was made up of two pieces of fabric that hung from a metal belt. One piece draped over her front and the other piece draped over the back barely covering her behind, leaving gaps between the fabric of either of her hips allowing her bright blue skin to show. Both the top and the bottom were of a deep magenta, complementing her complexion with gold metal details over the chest and belt.

She had never shown this much skin before and her stomach churned at the thought of other people looking at her in this absurd costume. The outfit left very little up to the imagination and she didn't want to think about all the hungry men who would most likely watch her long after she walked by.

Kennedy shivered and quickly threw on a cloak before meeting everyone in the ship's hull.

As the doors opened and the ramp lowered, the dull planet of Zygerria strained Kennedy's eyes. There was no green and the air was thick, preventing her from seeing anything in the distance.

"Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the slave?" Ahsoka asked behind her cloak.

Anakin shrugged, "I tried it once. I wasn't any good at it. Besides, the role of master comes easily to me."

"Really? Well, this time try to be convincing at it." Ahsoka scowled through the cloak that was covering most of her face other than her eyes.

Obi-Wan must've seen the fear in Kennedy's eyes and walked over to her side. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Kennedy sighed, "Do I have much of a choice?"

"Well, you could stay on the ship as backup in case this plan goes south."

She lifted her head to look at Obi-Wan under her cloak, her eyes stern, "If I'm going to help, I want to be there with you guys. And if that means wearing this abomination of an outfit, then so be it."

As they walked through the gates of the Zygerrian kingdom, there was chattering and movement all around them. They walked through a market with stalls selling all different kinds of things from food to transportation. Many different life forms dressed in slave clothes were scattered through the market.

"Ugh," Ahsoka started, "how can a civilization this advanced still practice slavery?"

Anakin's tone was grave, recalling his sensitive past. "It makes them wealthy and powerful at the expense of others. Before the Hutts bought my mother, she was sold in a market just like this."

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