Chapter 26 - A Series of Unfortunate Events Part 3

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"We still have an obligation to our duties in the war. It's still going on across the galaxy in case you haven't noticed. Even while Ahsoka is going through her difficulties," Obi-Wan argued.

Kennedy and Obi-Wan stand in the hallway outside of the training rooms. They just finished a training session where Obi-Wan tested her to her limits of wielding the force. Kennedy was exhausted, but he thought this was the perfect time to tell her that they were assigned to a mission off-world.

The lack of sleep she had the night before was catching up to her. All she could think about was her best friend alone in the depths of Coruscant, currently running from the Republic for crimes she didn't commit. Ahsoka was being framed and there was nothing she could do to help.

Kennedy uncrossed her arms and didn't think twice as she argued back. "Master, Ahsoka needs my help. She needs our help. We can't leave the temple. Tell the council to send someone else on this mission."

"This is not up for discussion, Kennedy," Obi-Wan snapped. He paused, seeing the hurt and conflict in her face, and sighed. His voice softened, "I know this is deeply troubling, but your responsibilities as a Jedi must come first."

He tried to find her eyes but she avoided his gaze, looking everywhere but him. He didn't understand how preposterous this whole situation was. Deeply troubling is an understatement.

"We leave tomorrow morning," Obi-Wan added before walking away.

Kennedy stayed there for a moment and took a long breath, rubbing her face. After the training session, her arms felt like noodles and her head felt like a rock, threatening to fall with one shift of her weight. Even her lightsaber felt heavy at her hip. She needed to sleep.

No matter how stern Obi-Wan was with her, she knew he only meant well. It was his job, to correct her and teach her. Even though she knew he didn't see it as a job and more of a temporary adoption of sorts. With Anakin, they became brothers and are still very close. But with Kennedy, it was different. He's the dad she never had and she's the daughter he will never have—courtesy of the Jedi Code.

She thought back to what the Chancellor said back on Naboo, after the Festival of Light.

I was under the impression the Jedi always worked as a team.

She had never heard something so ironic. The Jedi were supposed to be a team. But as the days went by, the list of doubts she had about the council grew.

The thought put a pit in her stomach.


Later that night, Kennedy paced outside of the council room doors. It was the only thing she could do while they made a plan for what they would do about Ahsoka. Despite being a Padawan to a member of the council, she's still barred from meetings she's not summoned to.

She paced the length of the hallway countless times before the doors opened.

Anakin was the first to leave alongside Master Plo Koon. No one else emerged from the room and the doors closed behind them as they mumbled with each other.

Kennedy rushed over and fell into step beside Anakin, eager to hear what the plan of action was. "So?" she asked. "Are we going to go find her?"

Anakin's brows pinched together. "I'm sorry Kenz, but I don't think you can tag along on this one." Kennedy slowed her pace as her face dropped. There was no way they weren't letting her join. Ahsoka was her friend. "They barely let me on," he added.

"What?" Kennedy whispered as her eyes narrowed. If she couldn't join this mission, that meant she would have to leave tomorrow morning and leave Ahsoka to fend for herself. She couldn't—wouldn't—let that happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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