Chapter 9 - Moment of Remorse

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Kennedy stood behind the squad of clones and listened to Ahsoka's briefing. She couldn't help but smile every time Anakin interrupted her. However, once the squad was dismissed, it was awkward as she just stood there while Ahsoka and Anakin began to argue. She tried to look away to not seem like she was eavesdropping but when she looked toward the gunship that had just landed in the distance, she saw an unwelcome sight.

Master Tapal and his padawan stepped out of the gunship. Kennedy froze in place as soon as she saw Cal walking next to the Jedi Master.

She looked up to the sky willing him to go away, "You've got to be kidding me," she said under her breath. Ahsoka and Anakin were still arguing next to her as they walked closer, and she realized she would have to greet them.

"Master Tapal, it's good to see you," Kennedy said loud enough for Anakin and Ahsoka to hear and stop arguing.

Cal gave her a side-eye glare after she doesn't acknowledge him. "Padawan Odessa, you as well. Are we ready to destroy this weapons factory or shall we let you two continue your conversation?" he said turning to Anakin and Ahsoka.

Anakin cleared his throat, "We are more than ready Master. It's good to see both of you again."

"Yes, though I wish it was under more peaceful circumstances. Let's begin our debrief."

Anakin pulled out a holo-map and set it on the ground so it displayed the map of the weapons factory in front of them.

Tapal started, "I think a frontal assault is risky. Our losses will be high."

"But not as high if that factory comes online," Anakin countered.

"Indeed, but there is an alternative. Every Geonosian building has a series of catacombs beneath it that run deep underground," he explained as the catacombs beneath the factory light up on the map.

Cal joined in, "Some of the tunnels are close enough to this cliff wall so that you could cut a hole and make an entry point."

"Once inside, we could find the main reactor, plant the explosives, and blow the factory inside out."

"Looks like a good way to get lost if you ask me," Anakin shrugged.

"Perhaps for the unprepared but I have instructed Cal to memorize the labyrinth, all 200 junctions." Cal smiled proudly and straightened his posture. He made eye contact with Kennedy. It took everything inside her not to roll her eyes or scoff at his arrogance. Instead, she crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one leg before looking back to Tapal.

"You always were thorough," Anakin says with an awkward smile.

"It pays for one to be prepared. Right, Cal?"

He nodded, "Especially when other people's lives depend on your success." She couldn't do anything to stop herself from rolling her eyes at that point.

"How do we keep the Geonosians occupied while someone else is setting the bombs?" Ahsoka asked.

"Good point, snips. If whoever's going in there is going to be successful, we'll need to create a diversion."

"Precisely. That task will be carried out by you and I, Skywalker, while the destruction of the factory falls to the Padawans."

"Now, hold on. Who decided that? Walking into that factory could be suicide." Ahsoka put her hands on her hips and shook her head, disappointed that her Master doesn't approve of the assignment. Kennedy also looked at him with a confused face. Why was he being so defensive?

"Not if you and I are successful holding Poggle's attention at the bridge."

"Master, I can do this. I've had riskier assignments," Ahsoka whispered loudly.

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