Chapter 21 - Deceived

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The next day, Kennedy was in a training room. More specifically the training room where she had her accident. The wooden staffs were stored in the same place.

She stood in the doorway, where Obi-Wan had a year ago, and placed her hand on the metal of the threshold.

First, the memory of him after her incident echoed around her. The sound of Obi-Wan's voice was solid as if he was actually in the room with her.

"We call it the force echo"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Master. Do you need this room? I can leave. I was just...looking."

"No, you are quite alright. You know, very few have that gift. You are very special. It's actually strange that I found you. The council and I are...interested in your abilities."

Then, then the time she got really down on herself after a mission. Obi-Wan was by her side, comforting her. She wandered further into the room as the memory echoed.

"You will never disappoint me, little one. Even in your darkest moments, you could never disappoint me."

"I almost ruined the mission for us. I froze. Jedi don't freeze."

"We are imperfect life forms, little one. You are still learning. There is no shame in messing up every now and then."

"What is the council going to think? What are they going to say when we give our report? 'We expected better of you Miss Odessa.'"

"I've told you, I will deal with the council. You are trying your best and that is all that matters. They're only hard on you because they see your potential. But they often forget that you're still a child."

"Thank you, Master."

He was the closest thing she had to a father.

She thought about what happened so often that she could no longer cry. She was tormented by the horrific scene that unfolded in front of her constantly.

Her eyes were glazed over as she listened to her master's voice but was pulled back into reality when she heard the door open.

Anakin was standing in the doorway with his fists clenched.

"Anakin. How did you-?"

"Doesn't matter. I know where Hardeen is. Let's go." There were bags under his eyes like he hadn't gotten any sleep either.

Kennedy blinked and furrowed her brows. "Is he not in prison still?"

Anakin paused, "They didn't tell you?"

She crossed her arms. "Tell me what?"

"Hardeen escaped prison with Moralo Eval and Cad Bane."

"You're kidding," she chuckled. It was all she could do to not pull her hair out.

"I wish I was," he lowered his head. "The Chancellor said he heard they're headed for Nal Hutta. Are you coming or not?"

She sighed and walked out the door behind Anakin.


Nal Hutta was just as brown and swampy as the last time Kennedy had visited.

She wandered how Quinlan was doing.

" are going to find them?" she asked.

"Kenz, you should know by now, if you want to find a lowlife..." He motioned toward the run down building a couple hundred yards away from them.

She gave a small smile. "You start at the saloon."

"Ah, so Obi-Wan taught you something after all."

Kennedy poked him in the ribs with her elbow and she chuckled. She could always count on him to lighten the mood.

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