Chapter 12 - Mistake Were Made

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It was quiet in the Temple library as Kennedy researched the planet of Felucia. The council ordered her, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin to investigate a missing medical station and Obi-Wan wanted her to research the planet and the station to see if she could find anything possibly relating to the disappearance.

So far, she hadn't found anything. There was not much reported about the planet other than its flora and small farms spread across the planet. The medical station data was also lackluster, only providing construction dates.

Kennedy sat with her head resting in her hand as she read endless boring files. Even with her desk lamp on, her eyelids grew heavy the more she read. Before she could get up and grab more files, she heard a familiar voice from behind her.

"You know, the library was the last place I thought I would find you." Kennedy turned around to see Cal as he came and leaned against her desk.

She chuckles sharply, "Yeah, me too. This has to be the most boring thing I've done in a while."

"What are you doing?" he asks nodding to the pile of file drives on the other side of her desk.

"There's a missing medical station over Felucia. Master Kenobi wanted to see if I could find anything in the records that could be useful," she says with a sarcastic smile.

"Wanna take a break?" he smirks.

Kennedy looks at him with furrowed brows, unsure why he is asking. But then realizes he needs her for something and her face falls to a glare and she tilts her head in annoyance. "What do you need?"

"Wow, you're good."

"And you're just easy to read," she giggles.

"Okay, well, are you interested or not?" he crosses his arms.

She turns toward him in her chair, "Shoot." They had grown closer after Geonosis, and if he needed something, she was willing to see if she could help.

He smirks. "My Master and I are working on hunting down some bounty hunters and I think I got a lead here on Corusaunt, but I need backup."

"Why can't you get your Master to help?"

"Because he's off-world right now, and can't get back in time."

She sat there in thought. This is either really stupid or it will help her get more praise from the Council. "Who is it?"

He looks around and leans in, "Aurra Sing," he says in a low voice.

"Cal, you don't have to whisper, it's not like she's listening," she teases. He shoves her playfully and she chuckles.

"You in or not?" he says in an annoyed tone.

She sighs, still unsure. She trusts him and knew he wouldn't ask her unless he was sure. She also knew that Obi-Wan wouldn't approve, but he was busy preparing troops for the mission so he wouldn't even know until she got back, assuming everything went smoothly. What could go wrong? 

She glances down at her pile of files. "Can you give me like a half hour?"

"I'll meet you on the Temple balcony," he taps her chair before walking away with his head high.

She sits there and giggles to herself, shaking her head at him.


The sun was beginning its descent when Kennedy made her way out to the balcony of the Temple. She saw him standing next to the rails with his arms crossed, looking out to the city. Walking up next to him, she leans on her elbows against the rail, looking out to the city as well.

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