~2 - forest~

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3rd person POV:

Dream was walking through the forest to his favorite place. While on his walk, he enjoyed every second of it. The place had only one tree in the middle and it was surrounded by flowers. When Dream got there, he sat at the tree and continued reading. Some small animals around felt his positive aura, so they came closer to him.

Dream even petted some of them while giggling. This continued for around 30 minutes, when suddenly, all the animals ran away quickly, leaving Dream alone confused. He then heard some heavy stomping, that was getting closer to him. He didn't move an inch and just waited for it to appear.

When 'it' got to Dream, Dream could see that it was a hunter. "Good day sir." The hunter greeted Dream. Dream just said hi. "Umm, may I ask what you are looking for?" Dream asked. "Oh I'm looking for rare creatures, I heard that I can find some here.

Dream showed Nightmare's book to the hunter. "I have a book about rare creatures, maybe you can show me a specific one?" He curiously asked. The hunter picked the book up and went through pages, until he found two of them. "I wanna hunt down a Red deer and a Lamia. Dream knew about the Red deer, he even saw one when he was a kid, but he heard of a Lamia only once.

"Hmm? I heard that Lamias are really rare, I'm not sure if they even live here." The hunter chuckled. "Indeed they are rare! And expensive too. But I heard that one Lamia lives somewhere here." Dream just nodded and got his book back.

Then he looked at his phone, to see that it was getting late. "Oh, I must return home now, I wish you luck with your hunt, goodbye!" Dream said, even tho he didn't really wish for the hunter to kill any rare creatures. The hunter also said bye and walked away. Dream stood up and made his way back to the star sanses base.

He didn't wanna teleport because he adored the beauty of the forest. When he was walking through the woods, he heard a few shots and a loud, terrifying scream, that belonged to the hunter. Dream felt like his soul skipped a beat. He got kinda scared so he teleported away quickly.

When he teleported home, Blue, Lust and their two friends were already there. "Hi Dream!" Blue squeaked as he hugged Dream. Dream hugged back, but as he saw Dust's angry jealous face, he softly blue pulled away. Dream told his friends about the hunter and the scream. "Do you think it was a wild boar? Or a werewolf?" Lust asked. "Hmm.. maybe it was a lynx...." Dust added.

"I think it was a lamia." Dream said. "Ooooo, a lamia? In this forest??" Blue asked curiously. "Lami- what?" Horror asked while munching on a cooked chicken. "A lamia, I've heard about them, they are large creatures that are half skeletons and half snakes, whose scales are based on their ecto body." Lust nerded it out.

Then dust got a call from Nightmare. "Hm..?" Dust answered. "Hello Dust, tell Horror that we're going on a mission, all of us." Nightmare ordered. Dust agreed as the call ended. "Alright, looks like we're going on some mission Horror, come here big guy...." Horror ran towards Dust and stopped right in front of him. "Bye guys, have fun at the mission!" Lust said. "And don't forget to tell me what was the mission about Dusty-!!" Blue added.

Then Horror and dust teleported away. "Sooooo... Should we play something?" Dream awkwardly asked after the small silence. "UNO!!!!!!!" Blue yelled as if he was high on something. And what came next? Well- they played uno. What did you expect reader?


Nightmare and Killer teleported to the star's base, both exhausted. "Night what happened-?" Dream asked as he helped Killer sit on the couch. "Dust told me about the creature in the forest, and we kinda found out what it was. The only funny thing is that the hunter you were talking about is dead, heh." Nightmare explained. "Brother first of all: that's not funny. Second of all: what killed him?" Dream asked.

"Dust said that you were right with your guess, it was a large purple lamia, but damn it really did some nice damage." Nightmare said as he showed his damaged arm and tentacles. Dream gasped a bit as he rushed for some healing stuff. He healed Nightmare carefully. After that, Dream put on his shoes and jacket and went to the door. "Dream no. You can't just fight a monster that did this kind of injuries to my gang." Nightmare said.

"But I'm not gonna fight it. I'll try to befriend it." Dream said with a smile on his face. Nightmare just sighed as Dream left. "Killer? May I ask you a favor?" He turned to Killer, who wasn't that hurt. "Anything for you Nighty, what do you need?" Killer grinned a bit, but Nightmare found it cute. "I need you to follow Dream, it will be easy since he doesn't really teleport when going somewhere." Killer jumped out of the couch with a lot of energy all of a sudden. "Won't disappoint ya Night~!" Killer said as he kissed Nightmare's cheek, making him blush.

Then he teleported away. Blue and Lust stared at him in surprise. "You like killer!?!?" They both yelled at the same time.

~with Dream~

Dream was walking through the woods, using the same way his favorite spot was. When he got there, he went in the direction where the hunter went before. He didn't even notice that Killer was following him. Dream was walking for 10 minutes already, but stopped when he saw the leather jacket that belonged to the hunter, laying on the ground full of dust. Dream noticed something was wrong, that the crickets weren't making any noises. That meant only one thing.

A dangerous creature was nearby....

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