~15 - Cross is worried~

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Nightmare stared at his brother's phone. Dream never leaves without his phone. Cross sniffed the phone and started looking for Dream, while sniffing around.

"I should probably get Dream's friends here..." Nightmare thought out loud. He got his own phone out and dialed Blue's number.

"Nightmare? Do you need something?" Blue asked. "Tell Lust and Ink to come to the star's base, it's urgent." Nightmare ordered, as if he was Blue's boss. "Oh, alrighty!" With that, Blue hung up. Nightmare then called his gang and told them to come as well.

When they arrived, they noticed that Dream wasn't there. "Umm, where's Dream?" Lust asked, while tilting his head. Nightmare told them that he needed Dream's help, because Cross was being too savage, but Dream was gone.

Cross whimpered a bit as he curled up in a ball, he missed Dream. Killer came up to him and petted his head. "Don't worry Criss Cross, we'll find Dream for sure." Cross grabbed him and hugged him as if he was a comfort pillow. "Gah-! I can't breathe-!!" Killer said.

"Boss? I think we should call someone for help." Dust suggested. Nightmare thought about it. Dust was right, they needed help. "Alright, but who can help us.." Nightmare asked. "Maybe Science and Outer?" Lust asked. "Wait who are Science and Outer..?" Ink asked, clearly not knowing what was happening.

Error slapped Ink's head from behind. "The real question is, WHAT'S THE THING IN YOUR HEAD!?!?" Error yelled. "I don't know, but it's not a brain for sure." Dust added.

Cross suddenly sniffed in the air, but started coughing a bit. He then hissed at a cigarette, that was laying on the ground. "That isn't mine..." Dust quickly said. "It isn't Dream's either... He doesn't smoke.." Lust added.

"Whatever, let's get Sci and Outer here..." Nightmare rolled his eyes.

Cross meanwhile was really worried about Dream, because when he was gone, there was no one who would pet him.

Crosses brain right now:

(Picture by idk who but not me

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(Picture by idk who but not me. Art by me)

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