~14 - where the hell is he?~

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Nightmare dialed Dream, but he wasn't answering. 'that's weird... Dream should be picking the phone up, greeting me with his positivity...' Nightmare thought. He finally got out of the leash trap and teleported himself, Horror and Cross to the star's base.

Cross immediately started sniffing around, looking for Dream. Nightmare tied Horror to the table and went to explore the base. Suddenly, he heard loud hissing coming from the kitchen. When he went there, he saw that Horror ate half of the table and freed himself, so now he was trying to eat Cross' leash.

He just sighed. He was about to go exploring again, but suddenly noticed something on the ground. He picked it up. It was Dream's phone. "Dream never leaves his phone at home when he's gone.." he said, getting Cross' attention at the word 'Dream'. Cross sniffed the phone, but started hissing right after.

"I need to find him... Now."


Dream woke up with his head hurting a bit. He looked around and noticed that he wasn't in the kitchen, nor the base. "Hello? Is anyone here..?" He quietly asked and stood up.

"Look who woke up~" a voice said. "How was your sleep, little lemon~?" Dream now knew who it was. "G? Where am i? Why is it so cold here?" Dream wanted to walk towards G, but he suddenly noticed that there was a chain tied to his leg. He tried to remove it, but suddenly, he felt a sharp pain pierce through his body. He yelled in pain.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, little lemon~" G purred and showed Dream a remote. Dream felt something around his neck, and when he touched it, he knew it was a shock collar.

"Why am I here..?" Dream asked. G gave Dream a fake confused look. "What do you mean? You live here now."

Dream wanted to say something, but G stopped him. "No more stupid questions, my little lemon." He said as he grabbed Dream by the collar. "You belong to me now." Dream quickly looked around, trying to find a way out.

"Ohh no no no~ i forgot to tell you... If you try to escape this place, things will get really ugly..." He said and activated the collar, with it giving Dream another powerful shock.

"You're finally mine. And I'll make sure no one takes you away from me...."

❌The Lamia's love⭐ (Cross X Dream)Where stories live. Discover now