~10 - Ink's wierd Dream & a bigger problem~

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When Dream woke up, everyone else was already awake. He dressed up and came downstairs to eat breakfast. When he sat at the table, he heard Ink saying something about Dreaming.

"I had a really weird Dream yesterday... I was woken up by some sounds in the kitchen and when I came down, I saw Dream getting some tacos." Ink said. "That's a pretty normal Dream.." Killer chuckled. "Yea, but then I followed him outside in the Dream, and i saw a big purple snake grabbing him!" Ink said and put a hand on his forehead. Dream heard it and felt like his soul just skipped a beat.

"I wanted to protect Dream but the snake attacked me. Then Dream hit my head with something hard and then the weird Dream ended..." Ink finished. "Yeah that must've been a really weird Dream haha....." Dream smiled nervously. Ink nodded.

When Dream finished breakfast he grabbed some tacos and sneaked out of the base, right into the forest. When he got to the place where Cross should be, he wasn't there. Dream decided to wait.


It was 2 hours since Dream got to the forest, but Cross was still gone. Suddenly, Dream got a call from Blue. As he answered it, he heard Blue scream. "DREAM WHERE ARE YOU WHEN WE NEED YOU THERES A DAMN LAMIA ATTACKING US- AAAHHHH-!!!!!!!" Dream just stared as the call ended.

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