~6 - what happened to killer?~

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When Dream woke up, it was the next day already. He went down the stairs, but froze in place when he saw his brother holding a wheelchair, where Killer was for some reason. "Uhm brother? What happened to Killer-?" Dream asked. "Oh, good morning Dream. About Killer, let's just say that he lost a bet." Nightmare said. Dream gasped dramatically. "DID SOMEONE HURT KILLER-!?" Nightmare sighed. "No, he lost a bet to ME."

Dream still didn't understand what happened to Killer. "I'll go for a walk now I guess." Dream was about to walk away, but a tentacle grabbed him. "Nu-uh, i'm not letting you get attacked by that reptile again." Nightmare said and petted Killer's head. "Brother it's called a lamia." Dream groaned as he rested his head on the tentacle.

I guess Dream will never know what happened to Killer.

I guess Dream will never know what happened to Killer

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(Pic by idk who but not me and art by me)

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