~13 - was leaving Cross to Nightmare a good idea?~

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~at Nightmare's mansion~

We all know that in Nightmare's mansion there is not a single calm day, but today, it was a disaster.

"CROSS PUT THAT DOWN RIGHT NOW!!" Nightmare shouted angrily at a specific male lamia, that was holding Horror's axe while swinging it in the air. Horror was currently in the corner of the room, crying because of it.

Cross suddenly dropped the axe on the floor -thankfully it didn't land by the sharp side- and made his way to the kitchen, while searching for food. "Ugh I swear if you didn't 'belong' to Dream the only thing left from you here would be a pile of dust." Nightmare turned around groaned in annoyance. He was about to walk away, but Cross grabbed him by the tentacles and dragged him to the kitchen with him.

"LET ME GO YOU PURPLE LIZARD-LIKE FUCKER BEFORE I MAKE SOME SHITTY EXOTIC MEAL OUT OF YOU!!" Nightmare yelled as he got dragged around the kitchen. Cross' pupils widened at the word 'meal' so he got closer to Nightmare and stared into his eye. "Pffffft, boss I think he's hungry." Killer giggled while holding his phone, recording everything.

Nightmare sighed. "Cross put me down." He said a bit more calmly. Cross did as told, so Nightmare opened a fridge and took out a cooked chicken. Cross immediately grabbed it and started munching on it. Suddenly, Horror rushed to them due to the smell of the chicken and stole it, making Cross hiss.

He started chasing Horror all over the mansion, with Horror running away from him on all four, with the chicken in his mouth. While running around like crazy, Cross and Horror broke several items. Nightmare suddenly grabbed a gun and loaded it with two sleeping darts. "Uhh boss? I don't think that's a good idea..." Killer said, softly grabbing Nightmare's arm. Nightmare stared at him for a while, but eventually put the gun down.

Killer gave him a smile and a kiss on the cheek. Nightmare grabbed two leashes and collars and made his way over to the two 'beasts'. He grabbed Horror by the jacket and put the collar on. "Cross come here." He ordered. Cross slowly came up to him, so Nightmare put a collar and a leash on both of them.

But sadly for Nightmare, Cross and Horror started walking in circles around Nightmare, tying him up.

Nightmare had enough, he didn't wanna admit it, but he needed help from the Star Sanses.

. . .

I wonder where's Dream....

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