~4 - healing~

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Dream sat on his bed and started thinking what to do now. Suddenly, Lust went to his room. "Hey Dream? If you're planning on sneaking out of the base, then I recommend you do it tomorrow, or else I think Killer's legs will stop working." Dream tilted his head as Lust walked away. 'if I'm gonna sneak out to find that lamia, then I'll do it tonight, so Night won't look for me...' Dream thought. But oh boy, he was about to get himself and Killer in trouble.


When it was night, he grabbed a taco that Blue made for him, some bandages and healing stuff and put something warm on. Then he quietly walked out of his room and made his way outside, little did he know that he wasn't the only one awake. He walked through the forest that was now very dark and was filled with wolf howls, cricket sounds and more noises.

After 15 minutes of walking, Dream knew that he was getting close, because he didn't hear any crickets anymore. He slowed down and became quieter as he walked deeper into the woods. It was 4 minutes since the crickets weren't able to be heard, so Dream tried checking every bush and tree he saw, trying to find the lamia.

Then he stopped quickly as he stared right in front of himself. The large lamia was right there, luckily asleep. Dream got a flashlight and turned it on, while pointing it at the lamia's body, except for its head. Its tail was full of scars and bruises from fights and self-defense. Dream carefully got closer to the creature and used his healing magic, trying to heal one of the lamia's wounds.

The lamia suddenly growled in sleep, probably because of the pain from healing. When the injury was fully healed, Dream went right to another one and started to heal it as well. The lamia twitched a bit in its sleep, but luckily didn't wake up. Dream suddenly saw a large cut on the lamia's tail, that was probably caused by Horror's axe. Dream tried to heal it, but it hurt a lot, so the lamia curled its tail up more.

Dream knew that the creature was in pain, so he gently petted its tail, making it softly purr. After some time, there was only one unhealed wound, which was the deep stab that Killer caused before. Dream quietly walked over to the injured place and started bandaging the tail. After that, Dream tried healing it through the bandage, trying to not make the lamia lose too much blood.

But suddenly, the lamia yawned, and woke up.....

But suddenly, the lamia yawned, and woke up

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(Art by me)

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