~7 - plan~

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Dream was in his room, thinking about some methods of how to tame a wild lamia. Suddenly, someone teleported into his room. It was G. Dream coughed a bit due to the smell of cigarettes and drugs, but then just ignored it. "Hi G, what brings you here?" Dream asked nicely. G grinned as he sat on the bed next to him.

"Just here to visit ya, little lemon~." G purred, making Dream chuckle. "What'cha thinking about lil lemon?" G asked as Dream stared into space. "Oh, Sorry! It's just that I met a lamia not long ago and I wanna tame it, but it's kinda scared and aggressive around people." Dream explained.

'a lamia hm? I could make a lot of money if I only got one...' G thought while grinning. "Would you like to help me tame it, G?" Dream asked and smiled at G. He was just about to agree, but suddenly, the door opened and a goopy black skeleton walked in. He grabbed G by the neck using a tentacle and opened a portal, where he threw G right after.

"B-brother!! Why did you do that!?" Dream squeaked angrily. "....the only pervert that can simp for you is...... Correct no one. I won't let anyone touch you." Nightmare growled as he walked away. Dream groaned in annoyance, but then started thinking about a plan of how to tame a lamia.

'aha!' Dream thought. 'maybe if i bring some more food to it, I'm gonna gain its trust.." he smiled happily and started planning on how to make the plan work.

❌The Lamia's love⭐ (Cross X Dream)Where stories live. Discover now