~20 - the fight~

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Cross hissed loudly and jumped in G's direction with his mouth open. G quickly dodged and slashed Cross with his knife. Cross was very agile, so he managed to dodge the attack. He then bit G's arm hardly, almost breaking it, but G cut his face and body multiple times.

Nightmare, Blue, Outer, Lust and Error were trying to find a way of how to take the shock collar and chains off of Dream. Killer and science went to help Cross. And Ink..... Well, he just stole some Skittles using a portal and watched.

G was stronger than they thought. He summoned sharp bones at science, giving him a hard time dodging all of them without dropping his bag with fragile potion bottles filled with potions. He was fighting Killer and Cross with the knife he was holding.

He slashed at Killer, but Cross pushed him out of the way just like Killer did to save Dream before. Sadly, when Killer dodged the attack with Crosses help, G was flying (🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️) right towards Error with the sharp knife pointed at him....

Error wouldn't make it, but Ink suddenly jumped in the way and got stabbed in the chest. It was a very deep stab. Error noticed this and grabbed Ink. "Ink!? Are you alright!? Please don't die!!!" He yelled. He really cared about that forgetful skele. Ink smiled like an idiot. "Ow :)" he said. Error finally noticed why Ink was smiling......

"...... oh you can't die or feel pain. Fuck you squid." He said and dropped Ink on the ground, while turning around.

Horror and Dust were peacefully playing fetch with a stick that Horror found.

G kicked Science in the chest, making him fly (🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️) towards Killer. This time, Killer didn't dodge, so they both fell. Killer fell unconscious, due to him hitting his head against the hard floor. Science was luckier, because he landed on top of Killer, but his bag of potions was laying on the ground on the other side of the basement.

Nightmare finally got the right password on the shock collar. "Ughh, of course it was 420-69...." Nightmare groaned. He got this idea, because he remembered Killer once flirting with him while saying: 'wanna go do some 420 and some rough 69 after~?' Error then finally succeeded in destroying the chains that Dream was tied with.

G stabbed and cut Cross a lot of times, while Cross broke G's left arm and weakened him by scratching and biting him with his razor sharp teeth/claws. After a few minutes of fighting, Cross grabbed G's knife, cutting his arm in the process, and threw it away. G didn't know what to do, so he ripped the bag with potions open and grabbed one potion bottle. he broke it against the wall, so it became a sharp weapon.

"Come on Dream, we have to go!" Lust said with a worried tone. "C-Cross..... H-he ne-needs...h-elp..." Dream said with a weak voice. G did only abuse him for like 2 days, but he did it like every 5 minutes... "We will help him later, but we need to get you out of here first!!" Nightmare said.

Cross meanwhile was getting weakened by all the cuts he was getting, not only because of the bleeding, but also because the bottles still had drops of the potions in them. Cross suddenly jumped on G and ripped his arm off.

G quickly grabbed the opened bag of potions and threw it on Cross with so much strength, that all the bottles broke against Crosses skull or chest. He was suddenly covered by all of the potions. G grabbed the last potion that didn't break and destroyed it in a specific way, making an extremely sharp weapon. The green liquid from the potion covered the floor, but some drops remained in the shattered bottle.

Cross scratched G a few more times, but G then aimed at the spot where Crosses soul was, and stabbed him multiple times with each stab getting deeper and harder. Cross soon began to lose consciousness....

G was about to do the final strike, he put the blood stained shattered bottle up........ And he swung...

Before G could stab Cross, Dream ran up to him and stabbed him directly in the soul with the knife that got thrown away before. G stared for a few more seconds, before Dusting away. The only thing that was left from him now, was his clothes, and a small box of cigarettes.

Outer was now making sure that Science was alright, Nightmare already healed Killer so he was awake, asking what happened when he passed out.

Everyone was fine now, but Cross was in critical condition......

They took him to the hospital.


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