~17 - G's house.

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G opened the door and saw Blue standing there. "Um, good afternoon G, have you seen Dream by any chance..?" G suspiciously looked at Blue. "........No, why?" He lied. Blue needed to find a reason not to seem suspicious. They weren't sure if G was the one who kidnapped Dream, but they needed to know for sure.

"Well..." Blue said, thinking. "We were supposed to...... Go and get some apples from farms!! Y-yea.." Blue nervously smiled. Nightmare, who heard everything, facepalmed. "Ugh. Dream doesn't like apples! They remind him of the past." He hissed.

"Apples huh? No. I haven't seen him anywhere. Now if you excuse me, I'll go and touch Dr- ....... take my drugs." G said and slammed the door. Blue teleported to the others.

"He's acting very suspicious... I think it's him who kidnapped Dream...." Blue said. Science got his bag with potions. "I-i got some p-potions with me, if that's h-helpful..." He stuttered. Outer hugged him from behind and petted his head. "Sure is helpful, Sci." He said.

".....we need to find a way to get inside. Does anyone know how." Nightmare said "I don't know how, but I found this opened window here." Ink said and pointed at one of the windows of G's house. Error came up to ink and stared at him. "Finally you're useful for something, squid." He said.

Horror and Cross were chasing a rabbit, while arguing in some body language about who will eat it when they catch it.

The star and bad sanses needed a good plan of getting into the house and exploring without getting caught.

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