~11 - this time it's Dream who saves the day~

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Dream quickly teleported to the base and saw what blue was yelling about. The bad and star sanses were trying to capture the purple lamia without destroying the house with their attacks. Dream quickly ran to the place and pushed Dust out of the place where Cross was attacking.

"CROSS! BAD BOY!!" Dream yelled. The lamia suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked at Dream with his pupils widened. "You can't attack my friends like that!" The others just stared as Cross lowered his head, which meant a 'sorry'. Dream sighed and gave Cross a taco, which he started happily munching on. "Umm guys? Please don't find this weird.." Dream said.

"Aha! So the Dream wasn't a Dream! You really do have a lamia!!" Ink yelled victoriously as he pointed at Cross. "Wait-. So that means..... DREAM WHY DID YOU HIT MY HEAD WITH SOMETHING!?!?" Ink yelled.

The situation would have ended pretty well, but Killer still wanted new boots and a purse. (And because the autocorrect exists and I am an idiot, I almost wrote 'b0obs' instead of boots and 'pu$sy' instead of a purse.)

Killer suddenly trapped Cross in blue bones, making him unable to move. "I'm comin' for ya new boots~" Killer grinned and grabbed onto his knife. "Oi Killer, you know that if you kill a monster it turns to dust, right?" Nightmare chuckled. "Oh.." Killer said in pure defeat. "But if you want I can get you new boots." Nightmare added.

Killer's sad face suddenly turned into a bright smile. "OMG BOSS YOU WOULD DO THAT FOR ME-!?" Nightmare nodded. Killer hugged his boss tightly, making him flinch a bit.

"Uhm Killer? Can you please let Cross go?" Dream asked. "Wait who's Cross-?" Killer replied. Dream just sighed and pointed at the hissing lamia.

"Oh! Alright glowstick!" Killer smiled as he unsummoned the blue bones. Cross suddenly grabbed Killer and pinned him to the ground.

 Cross suddenly grabbed Killer and pinned him to the ground

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(Art belongs to me)

This is what killer saw right now-.

"CROSS NO! LET HIM GO!" Dream said as he ran closer to them. Cross loudly hissed at Killer before letting him go. "Good boy.." Dream said as he petted him. "I'll go get some healing stuff so I can heal all of you." Dream said as he walked away, with Cross following him.

"Does the lamia really listen to Dream or is it just a joke?" Killer awkwardly asked. "If it was a joke, then we all would be laying dead on the ground." Dust explained.

When Dream came back, he had some bandages, medicines and injections with him. "Alright, who got hurt the most?" Dream asked. Killer and Blue raised their hands. Cross also raised his hand, to which Dream chuckled and petted him.

Dream then proceeded to heal everyone, but when it came to Killer, Blue and Cross, they were trying to escape, because Dream was planning to inject them some liquid that won't let any bacteria get under their skin/bones.

Blue then walked up to Dream and let him heal him as well. When Cross saw that, he slowly approached Killer and grabbed him by the leg, rushing to Dream with him. Dream giggled as he injected Killer the liquid. Cross hesitated a bit, but eventually also let Dream heal him.

"Alright guys, I'll lead Cross to the forest now, I'll be back soon tho." Dream said as he grabbed a taco, getting Cross' full attention quickly. "Maybe he can stay at my castle for a while, if he doesn't destroy anything. Also it's supposed to be cold outside tonight." Nightmare offered.

Dream happily agreed to that.


Hmm.. I wonder where that yandere called G is..

❌The Lamia's love⭐ (Cross X Dream)Where stories live. Discover now