~3 - Killer to the rescue~

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Dream looked around the place where he stood, but suddenly, he heard something in the bushes. He backed away a bit as he stared at the bushes where the sounds were coming from. Suddenly, 3 rabbits and a smaller deer ran out of the bushes at their full speed, startling Dream. He knew that they were running away from something.

All of a sudden, the bushes started moving again, but even more than before. Dream thought that it was just another animal running away from something, but this time, he was wrong....

Right in front of Dream, a large purple lamia got out of the bushes and stared in the direction where the animals escaped. But suddenly, something else caught its eye, it was Dream. Dream stared at the lamia's body, and saw that it was injured by sharp objects and Nightmare's tentacles. He completely let his guard down and got closer to the lamia, making it hiss loudly. The lamia curled Its tail up into a weird position, as if it was about to attack. And it did.

To Dream's luck, Killer suddenly jumped on Dream and pushed him away, saving him from getting hurt. He quickly got his knife and pointed it towards the purple creature. The lamia hissed again and swung its large tail at Killer, hitting him in the chest hardly. Killer grabbed onto the tail and stabbed it a few times, making the beast hiss once again.

He then jumped on top of the tail, did a backflip as the lamia tried biting him and jumped on its head, making it fall. It was a short yet cool battle for Dream to watch. Killer suddenly grabbed Dream by the arm and teleported both of them to the star's base right in front of Nightmare. "Heh, that was a close one.." Killer grinned a bit as he let go off Dream.

"What happened." Nightmare asked with a serious face. "Welp, let's just say that we found my future boots and purse." Killer said as he sat next to his boss. "Killer I already told you, you can't just make boots or a purse out of a damn lamia, it wouldn't take even two seconds and people would steal it or something." Nightmare sighed and facepalmed.

"It seemed to be in pain." Dream said. "Hm?" Killer said, not paying much attention. "Well someone whose name starts with a 'N' and ends with 'mare' seems to be in pain as well, plus it attacked us first." Nightmare said with an annoyed tone.

"Aw c'mon.... Is nobody gonna reward me for saving Dream-?" Killer groaned, trying to draw some attention to himself. Nightmare rolled his eye as he picked Killer up with his tentacle and put him on his lap. Killer's 'omg so sad' face suddenly disappeared, so Killer was giving his boss a happy smile.

"Night? I suppose you wouldn't allow me to go back there and look for the lamia, riiiight-?" Dream awkwardly asked, already knowing the answer. "No I wouldn't." Nightmare simply said while petting Killer's skull. "Aww okay." Dream groaned and went to his room.

"Hey boss, i bet you 30G if Dream sneaks out of the base tomorrow and goes to find my boots and purse again." Killer smiled and rested his head on Nightmare's chest. "And I bet you 4 rounds of 'fun' with you being the bottom that Dream will sneak out tonight." Nightmare added, making Killer blush. "Bet~" Killer said, being sure that he will win the bet and get free 30G from his boss.

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