Chapter 1

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My knuckles turn white as I clench the edge of the sink, my arms trembling.

A box. A box I've come to hate.

A box containing bleach for my hair.

My hair has grown, making my original black hair visible. Not by a lot, but just enough. Fighting, trying, to bring back my natural hair that I never let grow. Correction; that he never lets grow. That he never let's people see.

My eyes flicker from the box to the reflection of myself in the mirror, my body tense, sweat dripping down my forehead and between my eyebrows. Sweat sleaked my back which made my shirt stick to it.

I was probably being over dramatic. No, I was being over dramatic, but I hated bleaching my hair, because it always looked horrible, always so obvious that I bleach my hair.

But I had to do this soon, or else he'd come up here and do it himself. I knew that because I have learned that the hard way.

My grip on the counter top slowly lightens up until my hand lifts off of the edge, reaching out to the box.

Sometimes I wonder if I would die if I consumed the bleach in the box, but I could never bring myself to test the that theory. At least not yet.

My other hand moves towards the box clenched in my hand, and I open it, my hand shaking.

A warm tear fell down my cheek as I dump the components of the box onto the counter.

I felt like a pussy, crying over something so normal. But I hated my hair so much. It always looked so disheveled and dead. It looked how it feeled. Disgusting, frizzy, and if I could describe it it felt like touching straw. No matter how I styled my hair and how much hair gel I used, it always looked gross.

I swipe the tear off my cheek, a deep, desperate sigh leaving my lips as I start to prep my hair.


"Move, freak." I sneer, my hand touching the warm arm that is attached to a warm body, which leads to a warm person. A warm person I hate, a warm person that makes my head pound when I touch them.

My hand shoves the person into the lockers, and I hear them grunt, the clank of their prosthetic hitting the metal of the lockers filling the hall, filling my ears.

"Get the fuck back here, Travis!!" Larry barks, his deep voice replacing the sound of the person's- Sal's prosthetic against the locker.

I could hear the distant shouts of Larry's stupid fucking voice as I turn the corner, a new, completely different headache pounding in my head as I stalk towards the chemistry classroom.

Phillip glances up as I enter the chemistry room, flipping his phone off and shoving it in his jean pocket. "I could hear Larry shouting at you from here."

I drop my bag on the floor; against the table leg as I sit down in the chair next to Phillip. "He annoys the fuck out of me."

"Everyone annoys the fuck out of you, Travis." Phillip remarks, his eyes narrowing slightly before he looks away, then looks back. "I love you man, but... Just don't end up like him."

My eyes narrow. I wanted to punch him, I wanted to scream at him and beat him to a pulp. But I didn't. I just sat there, frozen in time with a lump in my throat and my fists clenched.

I didn't hurt him because Phillip was right. He was always so goddamn right. I'm already heading down the same path as my father, and I knew it. I knew it and I hated it that he was right. I hate who I am becoming.

I shake my head, my hands unclenching as they move to the desk, and I bury my head in my arms, my eyes shutting tightly as the darkness of my arms embrace me. Or... Am I embracing the darkness? I don't know. Whatever.

Phillip's hand moves to touch my shoulder, telling me he's sorry for what he said, and that he's here, and I shrug his hand away.

Fuck him. Fuck him, fuck Sal, fuck Larry, fuck my father, fuck them all. I hope this fucking town burns to the ground, dragging everyone with it.

My thoughts were cut quick when I heard a voice, a really stupid voice.

"... Travis." A pause. "Travis Phelps." Another, long pause. "Travis are you asleep?" A deep, irritated sigh. "Phillip?"

I feel Phillip's hand on my shoulder, shaking me gently. I was awake, and I knew Phillip knew too, but I just didn't want to look at the stupid teacher at the front of the class, trying to teach miserable ass kids because he got stuck with a miserable ass job because he's too dumb to get any other job.

I slowly raise my head, my eyes landing on his narrowed eyes and big nose. He was goddamn hideous. Not just because of his nose, but because of so many other reasons that I don't want to bother name. (No hate w ppl w big noses 😭)

"No sleeping in class, Phelps." He warns, shaking his head in disappointment.

They all did that. Shook their head at me in disappointment as if I don't already know I'm a disappointment. As if my father doesn't remind me of that everytime I step through the front door. I always know that look in their eyes that all adults always seem to give me. Disappointment. Like I'm supposed to be amazing, because my father is a priest with a decent paying job and he gets to work home often.

I always feel looked down on by the adults. That's why I look down upon people my age. Because if I have to be seen as a disappointment, they can feel the exact same thing coming from me.

I didn't deserve the looks adults gave me, and I knew some people in this horrible school didn't deserve it either, but that's why I did it. If I have to feel horrible, everyone else can feel horrible with me.

Drag them all down to hell with me.

Depending on how well or not well this story goes I may stop writing/publishing stories on wattpad because I've jst not been into it like I used to be, and I'm jst running out of salvis ideas. I always feel like I'm repeating at least something in every story and I'm just not feeling it anymore. I still love writing so if I ever get into a different fandom or come up with some amazing salvis idea I might pop back up randomly. Even if this story goes well I'll probably take a break/ a while to publish a new story. I jst feel like not many people are into Sally Face/salvis like they used to be, and I don't think people rlly use wattpad anymore, 2020-2022 was prb peak for wattpad, so idk if I'll write on here anymore. Even I don't use wattpad that much, I only use it to write stories for you guys and look at comments on my stories and that's it. If this is the last story I ever publish it was nice knowing that many people really liked my stories and read them(even though the older ones are rlly bad). I love you guys, and I hope everyone is doing amazing, and I hope you guys enjoy this story. ❤🥳


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