Chapter 18

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I stare up at the apartments, my eyes landing on the window that I know which apartment it leads to.

I don't know why my first thought was to come here, to come see him after what happened just a few days ago. But I willingly walked here, after willingly standing up to my father for the first time.

Everything was a blur from when I entered the apartment to when I was standing in front of his apartment.

I felt like I was moving in slow motion as my hand raises and I slowly knock on the door, my heart pounding in my ears, yet I manage to hear the doorknob click before the door actually opens.

"Hello- Travis?" Sal stares at me, his prosthetic was off and his eye was moving up and down my body. Why did he have to do that?

Before either of us knew what was happening, he was pinned against the door, his body shutting the door behind us.

(Small Smut Warning🔥)

My hand glides up the small of his back, trailing up to his hair, which was slightly damp from the shower he must have recently had. My fingers tangle in his hair, gripping it- but not enough to actually hurt him.

His body was warm against my touch, and the smell of his shampoo was filling my nose which sent electricity through my whole body. But– the way he was looking at me was what did it for me. Again.

His eyes were lidded, his brows furrowed as he stares up at me, his lips slightly parted, with the hot air that was leaving his mouth hitting my neck. I could smell the mint from his toothpaste even though his mouth was closer to my neck than my nose.

"Travis- What are you doing here?" Sal chokes out, my eyes on his lips as he speaks, which makes his cheeks flush.

"I'm a bird leaving it's nest." I reply, my eyes still on his lips before slowly meeting his eye.

Our bodies were inches apart. Our lips were inches apart.

Until they weren't.

His hand moves up to the back of my neck, sending tingles up my spine as he grabs me by the back of my hair and pulls me closer to him.

When his lips meet mine, it was like something I've never expected. I've kissed a girl before- But Sal was obviously different. His lips were rough and yet soft at the same time because of his incident, and I kind of liked it.

I was actually getting obsessed with it, with just one kiss. But really, I think I was just becoming obsessed with Sal Fisher.

My hand tugs on his hair; pulling his head back, making him gasp but before he has time to close his mouth, my tongue slips through his lips, meeting his tongue. I couldn't help but smile in the kiss as his hand grips the back of my neck harder, his nails digging into my skin.

I press my body against his, my leg moving between his, purposely moving just enough to get a reaction out of him.

Sal instantly pulls away, his chest heaving up and down rapidly as his eye looks from my eyes, to my leg between his.

"Travis-" Sal starts, his voice was deeper than I've ever heard it. I had to close my eyes to stop myself from doing anything stupid. I didn't even hear the rest of what he said.

"Say it." I whisper, my head moving to his shoulder, my eyes still shut as my hand untangles from his hair and moves up to his jaw, my free hand gently touching his waist.

My hand slides to the hem of his shirt, and I open my eyes to watch my hand slip under his shirt, and up his bare chest. The heat of his body was overwhelming, along with the sight of his shirt riding up my arm. He was surprisingly skinny, which made him ever so slightly more beautiful.

"I fucking hate you." He whispers, right in my fucking ear.

We both know he loves me, and I'm slowly starting to like him. But I swear– When he says that...

I didn't even know he was leaning up against my ear. I was so focused on the feeling and the sight of his bare body that I didn't even pay attention to what he was doing.

He knew what he was doing. I know he knows, because his hips grind against my leg, and his lips were gliding over my neck. He wouldn't kiss me, and it was driving me insane.

I cock my head to the side, my lips grazing over his neck, my hot breath hitting his neck.

"One word and you'll be on the bed." I whisper, my own voice unrecognizable in my ears from how deeper it got. It's as if the two of us hit puberty again, though in reality, the only thing we hit was our two bodies, our bodies full with arousal.

"Do it." He replies, and he finally kisses my neck. I had to close my eyes again, just for a moment.

I couldn't help the small smirk that forms on my face. "That's two words, Sal."

But neither of us cared. I had already moved my head off his shoulder and pulled his shirt off, his legs wrapping around my hips...

(If this was cringe pls lmk cuz uhm... Yeah 🪦)


When my eyes opened, my mind instantly replays everything that happened just last night.

Then I'm reminded that everything actually happened when I feel his fingers combing through my hair.

I turn my body to look at him, and his cheeks instantly flush. "I- Did I wake you? I'm sorry-"

I couldn't help but smile at his words. "No, you didn't. It's fine, Sal."

I could basically see the wheels turning in Sal's head, a small frown forming on his face and his brows pinching together. "What did you mean by, 'I'm a bird leaving it's nest?'" Sal asks.

"Did you not recall seeing me come in with a bag?" I raise a brow, nudging my head, trying to get him to continue scratching my scalp.

Sal understands what my gesture was, his fingers moving once again. "No, I was too focused being pushed against the door by Travis Phelps."

"Which was insanely hot, right?"

"Yeah, it was really fucking hot."

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