Chapter 8

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Travis didn't want to accidentally run into Larry when leaving, so I had to make sure Larry wasn't on the first floor before Travis left.

I thought it was weird at first, but when I thought about it, if Larry saw Travis leaving the apartments he'd instantly get suspicious, because the only possible person that Travis would've been leaving was me.

I didn't need Larry thinking that me and Travis hooked up. Especially since he saw Travis completely wasted last night.

I remember what it was like trying to drag him home.

"Get your hands off me, Fisher." Travis slurred, his hand pressing against my arm in attempt to pull away.

"Travis, you're drunk, and almost got raped, come on!" I groan, dragging him out the door.

"I fucking... I hate you." He grumbles, but he stops resisting me, finally.

Though, it was more me dragging him, than him walking. which, wasn't easy at all, because he's like 6 feet tall.


We finally got to my apartment, and I pull him into my room. I feel his hand softly touch my hip, and I instantly freeze.

"Travis..." I warn, and now I'm the one trying to squirm out of his grasp.

He lowers his head onto my shoulder, his hands moving from my hips to my back, embracing me in a hug. "I hate you..." He whispers, alcohol filling my nose.

I could feel his heart pounding against my chest, against my own pounding heart.

I feel his heart slowly calm, his body going limp in my arms. He fell asleep.

I cover my face with my hands as I groan, loudly.

I shift my hips as I hear my heart pound in my ears. What the fuck is he doing to me?

I keep thinking about his hands on my hips, his breath against my neck... His raspy voice..

Oh my god.

I have a fucking crush on Travis Phelps. A boy who hates my guts.

My hands move from my face to my hair, grabbing chunks of my hair as I yank on it.

I've never had a crush on someone, not even a girl. But I could tell from the way I kept thinking about him... That I like him.

Every time I close my eyes I see his face, the way his eyes narrow whenever he sees me, the way he always smelled nice, the way he always towered over me...

"Fuck.." I groan, suddenly feeling way too hot.


I play with my fingers as I watch Larry draw. I wanted to ask him something, but we've never talked about feelings.

"What's on your mind, Sally?" He raises his head to look at me, waiting for me to say something. I sometimes hate how well he knows me.

"You've uh... You've had a crush on someone before, right?" I ask, my thumb rubbing against the palm of my other hand as I wait for his answer.

"Yeah, why?" He places the pencil down on the notebook, his attention fully on me now.

"Uhm... How do you like... Know when you like someone that much?" I've talked to Larry about so many things, yet this is what embarrasses me.

"Does my Sally face like someone?" Larry wiggles his brows, scooting closer to me.

I groan, shaking my head as flashes of Travis fill my head. "I don't know."

"Well, first off, do you think about them all the time?" He asks, his brow raising.

"I-" I pause, then I slowly nod. "Yeah, I do."

Larry grins from ear to ear. "Well, I'll tell you right now you probably have a little crush." He ruffles my hair, still grinning down at me.


"So, who you got the hots for?" He nudges me with his elbow, his grin turning into a stupid smile.

I knew he was going to ask me that, and I honestly don't know what to say. "It doesn't matter." I shrug, looking away from him.

"Come on, Sally!!!" He pouts, elbowing me once again.

How could I tell him I like the guy that hates my guts? That hates all of my friends? How could I tell him I like the homophobic christian boy with bleached blonde hair, dark brown eyes, beautiful brown skin... I had to stop myself before something embarrassing happened.

"You'll be mad if you find out who I like." I stare at the wall, forcing myself not to think about anything. Specifically, not to think about him.

I could feel Larry observing me, trying to get a hint of who I like, but I could tell he was starting to give up. "I won't be mad, Sally face."

I nod, turning to look at him. "I promise, you will be absolutely pissed, Larry face." I reply, my eyes shutting before I open them, staring straight at him.

"Is it a guy?" He asks, a brow raising.

I slowly nod. This was all that I'd tell him, because it's too fucking easy to figure out, even if your brain is the size of a pea, like Larry's.

"You thought I would be mad because you're crushing on a guy?" Larry ruffles my hair, scooting away from me and picking up his sketch book and pencil, doodling away in his sketch book once again.

"Yeah... We'll just say that."

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