Chapter 14

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Fortunately since my father went up into his room I could use the house phone, and I quickly dialed Phillip's number.

It rang a few times before he picked up, my body already filled with dread. Usually he picks up instantly, so if he took a few rings to pick up that means he's busy, and I might not have anywhere to stay.


"Hello? Who is this?" Phillip asks, and I could already hear people talking in the background. I'm screwed.

I thought this would be amazing, because I would just stay at Phillip's with no problems... But there are clearly problems.

"Hey– Uhm, it's Travis." I run a hand through my hair, my heart pounding louder than when my father was hitting me.

If I couldn't stay at Phillip's, I had no clue where else I could stay, because he's my only friend. And I am not counting Sal as a friend just because he took my drunk ass home.

"Hey Travy, what's up?" Phillip asks, yet we both knew what was up. We both knew what I was going to ask. And we both knew the answer.

I swallow the lump that was slowly forming in my throat. "I got kicked out for the night... Can I possibly–"

"I'm sorry–"

My ears started ringing, his voice only a faint whisper in the back of my head. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

"–maybe can help."

"What?" I ask, wishing I had heard what he said.

"I said that I know someone who maybe can help." Phillip repeats.

I did not like where this was going, but I trusted Phillip... Well, I don't know if I really trust Phillip a whole lot or not, because he's the only person I trust anyways.


"I can give you their number, got something to write it down with?" He asks. I swear I could hear a smirk just from the way he spoke.


The phone rang, and rang again, before someone picked up.

My heart was racing, I could feel it pounding in my head and hear it in my ears. "Who is this?" I ask before they had a chance to ask.

"Uh– This is Sal."

Fuck. I fucking knew it. I knew he would do this bullshit because of his stupid "enemies to lovers" bullshit.

I groan, loudly, dragging my hand over my face. "This is... Travis... I need a place to stay for the night, and Phillip gave me your number."

I hear a soft chuckle on the other side, making me sneer. "Is Travis Phelps asking me if he can stay at my house?"

If I could strangle him through the phone, I so gladly would. "Yes." I grumble through gritted teeth, completely forgetting the fact my father just beat me only moments ago.

I hear him laugh this time. Like actually laugh. It made me feel weird. "You can stay over." Sal finally replies.

I was about to hang up, but he started talking again, "I live in Addison Apartments, even though you probably know that. Apartment 402."

I roll my eyes. "I remember, I stayed there once, remember?"

"Right, forgot about that."

I then hang up, grumbling as I grab my bag and walk upstairs to pack some clothing.


I stare at the apartment door for at least five minutes before I finally knocked on it.

I look down as the door opens, my eyes instantly landing on his eyes. (Yes he has a prosthetic, but I feel like if I say eye, it's like he doesn't even have a prosthetic eye 🤷‍♀️)

I reluctantly step inside once Sal moved to the side, both of us standing there in awkward silence.

I glance down as I feel something rub against my leg, my eyes landing on Sal's cat, that I forgot he had.

"His name's Gizmo, if you cared and were curious." Sal breaks the silence, and I lean down, patting Gizmo on the head.

"You can sleep in my room, I can sleep on the couch." Sal speaks some more, and I walk into his room to get away from all of the awkwardness.

Of course, Sal follows. I swear– I swear he's like a lost puppy dog that got abandoned. (he totally is)

"I want to ask you something." I turn to look at Sal as I drop my bag onto the floor.

"What is it?" He asks, and I could tell from the look in his eye he knows what I'm going to ask.

"What the fuck happened after you brought me back here?" My eyes narrow slightly, my arms crossed.

"I don't want to talk about it."

I step closer to him, my teeth gritting together. "Tell me what happened."


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