Chapter 22

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Sal Fisher. Sal Fisher, a boy I was never supposed to like, a boy I absolutely hated. A boy who I've grown fond to. A boy who helped me climb out of the deepest, darkest hole that I never thought and never bothered to get out of.

My boyfriend.

I never thought I'd be in a romantic relationship, let alone be in a relationship with another guy. I always heavily believed that being gay was a sin, and part of me, a little part of me, still slightly believes that I will go to hell for dating the same sex, but I've done do much shit that I probably already am going to hell.

As long as he goes with me. My father, not Sal, of course. Sal doesn't deserve a spot in hell, but my father and I do.

My thoughts disappear from my mind as I feel two hands wrap around my body, hugging me from behind before I felt his head nuzzle against my shoulder.

Every touch from Sal always makes me want to faint. He always makes my heart pound like I had just ran a marathon, he always makes my stomach feel all tight and full with butterflies, and I'm always unable to think when he's around, but especially when he touches me.

I turn to look at him, and he smiles at me before nuzzling closer to me, my arms wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer. "Did my thinking wake you?" I ask.

"No, but what were you thinking about?" Sal grumbles out, his sleepy voice making my body shiver.

"It's not important." I lean down, kissing him on the top of the head. "You're what's important."

Sal laughs, shaking his head. "Didn't know Travis Phelps could be so cheesy."

I roll my eyes, slipping my hand under the hem of his shirt, my hand snaking up his warm back. "I'll show you cheesy."

"Travis– We can't." Sal breathes out, trying to pull away from my body, but he was stuck to me like a fly in a fly trap.

I was just about to slip his shirt off when someone knocks on the door. "You guys up? Larry brought some breakfast." Neil's voice was heard from the other side of the door.

I groan, slipping my hands out from Sal's shirt before I drag myself out of bed, standing up.

Sal stands up next to me, combining his hand through his hair. "I told you."

"Shut up." I glare at him as we walk out of our bedroom, walking into the kitchen where everyone was.

A few weeks ago Sal and I moved into a house that Todd and Neil bought, and we pay them monthly for rent of course. Larry was currently getting ready to move in, too.

Larry was already shoving food into his face, and Neil hands me two plates, and I turn and give Sal one of them.

"I hope the gayness from all of you doesn't rub off on me..." Larry mumbles as he swallows his food, glancing at all of us.

Todd shoots him a look, and I do as well, but both Sal and Neil laugh.

"I hope you get a shitty boyfriend if it does." I grumble before Sal hits me on the back of my head with his plate. (It's a plastic plate btw)

When I turn to look at Sal he's glaring at me, and I smile at him, making him glare harder.

"Stop eye fucking each other, it's freaking me out, eat some breakfast." Larry grabs a box with donuts in it, shoving it between the air between the two of us(Sal and Travis).

Sal's cheeks flush and now he's glaring at Larry. "What the fuck is wrong with you!"

Larry shrugs, grabbing a donut himself before giving me and Sal one. "I say what I see, right?"

Todd pushes his glasses up his nose, looking away from all three of us. "To be fair... The looks you two were giving were quite–"

"Okay! Okay, we get it!" Sal groans, covering his face with his hands.

I glance at Neil, and he was sipping out of his coffee cup, a smile plastered on his face as me meets my gaze. He definitely heard our conversation from earlier.

I look over at Sal, who is still covering his face, and I ruffle his hair, all of us bursting out in laughter, except for Sal.

Sal, who is my boyfriend.

Idk if this ending is very good or not cuz I was running out of ideas and just ended it like this so mb if it kinda sucks as an ending 😭

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