Chapter 16

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I don't know which is worse.

Being rejected by him and being laughed at, bullied, and beat because of it, or being completely ignored.

Travis hasn't talked to me in almost two weeks. He hasn't even looked in my direction in two weeks.

Because of the fact that Ash had already found out that I had a crush on Travis, I also ended up confiding in her and telling her what happened. She told me that from the way Travis acted, if I just wait for the right moment, he'll eventually give in. But I doubt that will ever happen. 

This wasn't what was supposed to happen. I panicked. We were fine one second, then the next he was shouting at me, pinning me to a wall, and he was so overwhelming.

I was confused, overwhelmed, a bit scared, and yet I was also a bit calm.

I keep replaying it even though it was almost two weeks ago. He smelled of cologne, his bleached blonde hair a mess, his brows pinched together, his nose flared, his chest heaving... And so much more.

I always take in every little detail about him ever since that one night. Or maybe I've just always took in every detail about him. I don't remember anymore.

But now, I fucked everything up, and even though Ash said it could be fixed, I don't think it's possible to fix what I did. 

Since I talked to Ash about what happened, she was still over when Larry texted her and walkied me, asking if we wanted to hang out.

Ash had to drag me into the elevator and into Larry's apartment because I just wanted to keep being sad about Travis, which was stupid of me but I didn't care.

"You got here fast." Larry says as he looks at Ash, then looks at me behind her, raising a brow. "Were you two hanging out without me?" He pouts.

Ash smiles, walking over to him. "Yeah, Sal had to talk to me about something..."

"Something I couldn't know about?!" Larry frowns, and he starts to fake cry, both Todd and Neil giving each other weird looks when they walked into Larry's room with him fake crying.

"What is happening in here..." Todd glances at me, then Ash, then Larry, then his eyes look back at a confused Neil.

"They won't let me in on a secret!" Larry whines, still fake crying like the idiot he is.

But, like he always manages to do without even knowing it, he makes me smile.

Ash notices me smiling, and she smiles too, just because she knew that I was smiling after being all pouty earlier.

Though, I've been pouty the whole two weeks that Travis hasn't done anything, but I was really upset when I was talking about it to Ash. I really am obsessed with Travis...

After Larry stops fake crying and everyone gets comfortable in his room (which didn't take long), Lisa pops her head in, smiling at us with her big smile she always seems to have, unless she's really sick. Which also never seems to happen.

"The pizza is here!" She disappears out of the room, and Larry was first to stand up, following after her.

"Larry and his fatass going to get the pizza first..." Ash rolls her eyes, standing up and helping me up as Todd and Neil follow.

Larry was complaining to Lisa about what Ash said about him, fake crying once again.

"Ma they're bullying me!"

"Who's the they're?" I ask.

"Okay– Fine, Ash is bullying me!"

"Shut up before I make you cry, Larry." She smiles, and he flips her off, making Lisa hit him on the arm.

I always love hanging out with everyone. They make all my problems just disappear, and nobody is ever excluded in our group... And it's never dull, something is always happening.

Whether it be Ash and Larry bickering or Ash threatening to beat up Larry, or it being Todd and Neil being an adorable couple...

Todd and Neil suddenly remind me of Travis and I, making me sad once again. I seriously fucked up, and I don't know what to do to fix what happened, or if I can even fix it.

I guess all I can do is give him space, like Ash said. Just wait for the right moment, and maybe, just maybe, what happened between us can get fixed.

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