meeting the boss

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Megha is happy today after all she reached the leader position in her department with her hardwork....  it was not easy as Riya already explained how hard it was for her to reach that position in Moksh even when she had her boyfriend as the boss. she took a year to reach but Megha did it in six months.       It was also due to her skill and her fame which she earned in her previous company " lieb ". As it was primarily clothing brand not jewellery but still her jewellery designs made her well known... jewellery designing was a small part of that company.. so she switched to something more well-known in her field- Moksh, the best jewellery designing company....
she has to start as a leader and now has a  team to look after. she was nervous and excited.. she will be meeting the bosses of the company.... she is already at the doors 20 mins before the working time

megha's pov
...  I followed the hr team's Miss Richa, we took the lift and reached the floor number 27 futher down the gallery she knocked thrice on the door and I heard a voice "come in". she looked at me and smiled saying," follow me, I will introduce you to your superiors and other team leaders".
I can hear my heartbeat, it was racing. I was scared what if I enter and they say my promotion was an error or if they say i am not good enough yet. All possible thoughts were in my head.
I took a deep breaths, followed Miss Richa and entered the meeting room.
the 8 team leaders were there. Miss Richa introduced us all...
team 1 - Miss Riya
team 3- Mr Narayan
team 4- Mr Vinay
team 5- Mr Avi
team 6 - Mrs Sonia
team 7- Mrs Radha
team 8- Mr Raj

I was happy to see Riya, she even signalled me to sit beside her. Having her next to me was like a charm to boost confidence.
Miss Richa waited till Mr Vishal entered the room and then after introducing and giving him my  file with details and now even the letter of promotion, she left.
Vishal is Riya's boyfriend or to-be-husband and our schoolmate, but i never had any contact with him after school.
He has changed so much, it would be impossible to recognise him. We waited till my department head came, Mr Satya.
I could recognise him anywhere after all 'you can never forget how your crush looks'.

he was my first crush but now he is my boss, better to call him boss.
He scaned the file in just few seconds and I can see he doesn't even remember me. It was expected as I was never much known in my school just an average scorer with average looks. I felt a bit disappointed but we had  a meeting to look forward to.

we started the meeting, every team was given a theme and asked to submit a design by the month end. my theme was sea. Riya had the wood. we even had our monthly design to submit, now this new theme and not to forget the clients of the respective teams who will be waiting for their customised designs.
Looks like the load is not small, but lets head for battle.
before we were dismissed Riya signalled  me to ask everyone to join for dinner. we are free by 6 in the evening and directly go and have dinner at a close restaurant with the team leaders, the two  big bosses and my team.
After dinner i reached back home. I avoided drinking as i am not veey tolerant to it. what a day!!!
I laid back to dream.

Satya's pov
finally reached my bed, as i recalled my day, i remembered the most unexpected event, Megha's entry. new team leader, her name was  Megha, she is from my school i confirmed it in the file. But I preferred to keep it in my mind.
Nice to see the schoolmate who was often shy and quite. I still remember the projects we did with the other friends together. Hope she is good in her work. She has changed so much, it was hard to recognise. I remember her as quite girl but she was chatting with Riya without even a breath gap.. She had all the possible expressions. she ate spicy and her eyes were teary but she was enjoying it. She ate sweets as if she loved them. and Riya was teasing her every second possible. it was fun to see her different expression and her voice is sweet as always. Everyone use to say she speaks sweetly as if honey is spreading in the ears.
she was enjoying her chats with Riya but I never saw her talk that much.Is she like those who  act differently depending on the person they are talking to. How will she talk to me and for how long!!.. God what am i thinking .. who cares !!!!...

* i basically wrote this in past tense as wanted to have a start but reach the main start of the story soon but couldn't miss the basic environment of my characters.

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