opening my heart

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Megha's pov
I have been with him working on the jewellery designs. With each passing day my feelings for him have heightened.
Yesterday we have submitted and got approval for all the designs. We will be celebrating today.
Just wearing my casual wear white satin top with black jeans, pearl earrings I'm waiting for Riya. She promised to pick me up today.
Finally she is here.
" Hii beautiful Riya" the smile is really reaching her eyes... I love teasing her.
" who chose this wear for you... Your Vishal?? "
I can feel the push coming.... It's fun to be beside her .... Hahahahaha
When i say vishal that smile and shyness is impossibly beautiful.
" Stop teasing me....... You heard Satya is in a relationship ?...  even i think so... Yesterday he was on a call... He was smiling I don't know what he was saying... He is a killer. How come he is still single? Maybe he is with someone  called Richa from the HR team... she will be with us today.... keep a note...  "
As i heard each word, I felt struggling around ... As if i am suffocating... Something is making me sink.... I just can't explain how i was able to breathe....
" Richa is beautiful. She gains the stares when she walks.... They will look good together...  Megha .. you okay... Why do you look as if you lost everything..... ?"

" I am okay... Just nervous... " Somehow i managed to say this much.....
We reached soon....
We entered and as Riya nudged me to look at the left hand side... Satya was sitting beside Richa.... They were chatting.... He was smiling.... I felt ... Everything stop ....
I pushed myself and kept moving .... Finally sitting beside Riya... Richa and Satya were too busy to notice our arrival....
Somehow i managed to say "hello everyone" as Riya leaned to give a hug to Vishal.... Everyone knows they are close but only we few know that they are engaged...
Relationship sometimes need to be private to avoid unnecessary troubles....

From the corner of my eyes i could see Satya smiling and chatting.... Then Vishal broke the noise and cheered for our work..... We started having our plates full.... I distracted myself to my food.... Only then could i stop my tears from flowing down..... I signalled Riya that m hungry... She looked very worried about me.... Thanx Riya but I am unable to tell you this ... You are close to him... I can't disturb your relations because of me.....

Satya's pov..

Finally Riya and Megha arrived.... I was so bored listening to Richa... She is nice and all but i want to go home soon .....
My mom is coming to visit today....she called me to inform me that... .

Megha looks different today.... She is more beautiful in casuals.... I can't believe she has changed so much...
Her hello sounded off tone.... Not her usual self .... She looks teary.... Did she have a fight with her boyfriend.?....  does she have a boyfriend?.... Who can look good with her? ... .. none ...
She walked to the washroom.... She looks very different.... I should see if she is okay.....
I walked towards the washroom when i saw her going to the garden all alone.... No one is there.... What happened....why is she trying to be alone ....  Before i knew i was there behind her...
The sound during gate closing made  her turn behind....
She was holding her tears.... I want to be close to her....want to swipe alay the tears.... Why is she sad....
" hii you okay?"

Megha's pov

" i am okay. You should enjoy the party "
Why are you here playing with my heart.... Just go and enjoy with your girl there....
" What happened? You know i will listen to you"
Again.... You want to know ... Fine I will say it... Atleast I will get  a clear answer...
" Are you and Richa dating ? "

" Huh!!! Ofcourse No.... She is just nice asking me about some random things... "

" Don't you understand when someone likes you !!! "

" No no.... She can't like me .... But why are you sad?....for this? "

" You never understand.... I had a huge crush on you when we were in school and when i thought that it was nothing....I'm over you...  meeting you again...made me fall harder for you.... Why can't you see?  you make people fall for you..... I have been loving you for so long.... "

" Huh"

" I like you.... But whether you like me or not is different..... And obviously i will wait for your answer.. "

" Hold on... I never liked you in that way... You have been my batchmate
.. a great hardworking colleague .... But I dont like you in a romantic way.... "

He left.... He left answering me.... Telling me to wake up.... Why ... Why did my voice betray me today.....
I was silently crying... Now i could feel my tears but no voice was coming out. But i am grateful to him to clear it and not making me live in hopes...

I cleaned my face and reached my seat...
Riya and I left. I turned to watch out of window.... Riya was happy after meeting her love... So she was busy smiling..
I seriously wanted to keep this a secret....

Next few days in my office were hell ...
Today is Saturday ... I decided to drink
... I need to wake up.... I need to forget the pain.... So I reached 'On my throat'  bar.... Ordered a beer and was drunk slightly... I am not good with drinks... Suddenly i heard a familiar voice.... After so long...
" Stop it now... You are already drunk.... "
I was badly drunk but i could still
Recognise him... it has been a long time  since we broke off... But we are still friends... He knows me too much to let him become my enemy...
I can even feel my smile... " Abhay... So nice to see you "
" Having some issues... I can always listen.... "
" M okay.... You say .... Still as hot as ever.... Man... feel like eating you ... you are dangerous for the city ... You make girls heart stop..... U should be locked.... "

" Hahaha... Still the same .... But you are drunk.... Give me your phone.... "

He took my phone...

Abhay's pov

Still the same security code... What will she do... Riya must be able to help... i scrolled and found Riya.... after 4 rings ... " hii sexy ... Missed me finally....."
" hii ... Riya.... This is Abhay.... Megha is drunk .. i am sending the location.... And you know how she is while being drunk ... can you come and help me carry her to her apartment...."
" Okay... 10 min... "
I was waiting for her to come and this silly girl was so cute....... Riya arrived... I helped her Carry Megha and made her sit in front with Riya.... Riya said she will manage... they drove away.... I felt her going away from me....
I still miss her a lot... This small meeting made me feel empty without her.... ..

Riya pov

What the hell ... Why is she so drunk.... Carrying her in my room was a job... Finally...
" so speak up ... Or else!!!"
Megha is scared of tickling ... And I can make her spill the beans easily.... she told me everything ... I was shocked ... Confused... And sad....
" you should have told me... Idiot... "

" I don't want to affect your friendship with him.... It's nothing much.... So ... "

" What do you plan to do? "

" He is ignoring me... It's better to move on then be hurt like this... We have a reunion in 5 days ... I will clear this ... It's affecting my work also... "

We slept after the plan... She made me promise not to be affected by this or change my attitude towards him...

I am still confused why this idiot is caring about my relationship at this moment?..... I love this idiot friend of mine... ..

* hope you guys are liking it... Am a bit slow to create good scenes...

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