admired you always

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Satya and Megha both felt that their trust was increasing in each other. Megha felt that she was becoming more beautiful with the increase in her love. Megha started taking care of herself , her looks mattered to her. She started grooming herself so that Satya would feel more attracted to her, happy to see her and only notice her.

( Its common. When you are in love you try to look good for the person you love. Only his complements affect you. Only his eyes matter to you. You want to groom so that they feel happy and only notice you. You just groom for them.It just happens)

Similarly Satya started paying attention to himself.
They had a date planned today. Satya was still nervous before his dates. Vishal was curious how everything happened. So it was decided they would go to a near hill station together instead.This worked well with Satya's plan.

They got in the car and since all four were going they were sure to have a great tour. Satya was excited and happy. It would be his first tour with Megha after the business trip.
( He did propose in his trip but after that they never went out. At that time they went as colleagues and came back as a  couple. But here they are going as a couple)

Riya and satya were both interested as what actually happened and when.
" so can we now know about it a bit more ? How come you two got together?"
Vishal finally asked while focusing on the road.

" I proposed her when we went to the trip last time and we are together. Simple" satya was smiling as he saw Megha blush.

" Who liked whom and when ? Come on a bit of detail won't kill you "

" i know this. Megha liked you first. Megha liked you for a long time. She even proposed you and you rejected. That day at the party she cried a lot." Riya could feel a sharp glare and a push from megha but she continued" And this was the first time i saw her cry after her last break up. She cried more than last time. After all you have been her crush since school" these words made Megha blush more and  a sharper glare was felt by Riya.

Megha never told satya about this. The more she thought about it the more she glared at Riya and then From the corners of her eyes she looked at Satya.
Satya never knew about this. It was a great reveal for him. He was surprised and his eyes were wide then he was smiling. He realised how good it feels to know he was always her first choice, always close to her heart.

" wow... That so sweet. Just like you were my crush and  now my destiny same about these two. Congratulations Megha"
Vishal winked at Riya and Riya blushed.
They stopped for a break . Riya and megha went to freshen up while vishal and satya were waiting in car. Vishal was curious about something.
" Then what happened why did you suddenly proposed to her?." Vishal  asked.

" after i rejected her and she said she would move on. I was supposed to be happy but with every passing src i felt empty. Megha was nowhere to be seen and then that Abhay arrived. The more they interacted the more i felt jealous and suffocated. I understood what she meant to me. May be i always liked her but felt it was nothing more than just friendship. But the fear of losing her seeing her with someone made me realise what i actually felt. I always felt protective for her even in school. You remember our conversation. That helped a lot .. i am grateful that i realised that i like her. I do love her.. i liked her even in my school time. At that time, I couldn't see her tense. My eyes could always find her in between the crowd." satya was smiling. He was grateful to abhay for helping him in sorting his feelings and was more grateful to Megha for not accepting Abhay again.

Girls were back and journey started. Conversations reached the school life. He remembered how megha was during her school days. " You were so different than the other batchmates. You were just too adorable. So many of our friends and seniors had a crush on you. " these words made satya taste vinegar...Poor satya.

" please... Don't sprout such nonsense. Everyone knows i was invisible. Just a regular girl."

" yeah... You wish... You were one of the most beautiful girls. Sincere, obedient, always smiling and obviously you were great when it comes to art. even this prankster here, admired you. " vishal was serious. Most of his batchmates liked that simple nature of Megha.

" By the way Satya, did you recognise Megha or you were surprised when you saw her in our alumni meet?" Megha even wanted to know this and passed a thankful smile to Riya.

" Obviously i recognised her when i met her in our office. I even confirmed it after matching the school information in her file. Why did you feel i would not recognise her? "

" I was not popular and it would be too much to wish for you to recognise me after so many years. I doubt either of you even knew i was your batchmate. Its obvious, i was all invisible but that how i was. " Megha gave a smile but her insecure heart was still visible.

Satya never understood why she felt she was inferior when she was always best and unique.

" Megha... Seriously.... You need to develop some more faith in yourself " vishal suggested. Riya noded wholeheartedly.
" You feel no one knew you were a part of our class. Do you know why you were never pranked by this prankster or teased by any guy in the school? "

" Hmmm... Maybe it would be not worth it." Megha seriously replied after thinking... Who would have fun teasing her. She was so boring and had no charm . Others would be bored enough to prank her.

" Idiot... You really are an idiot. Riya is correct on this" vishal teased her and recieved a glare from Satya. Megha pouted and riya smiled seeing all this.

" This prankster here admired you so much that he himself never pranked you or teased you. If anyone thought of foing do, he would ask them to leave you aside. He was protective of you even in school days. We thought it was because you are a simple girl and so he does not wants to trouble you. Until one day he told me .. you are someone he values a lot and admires a lot because you were always simple ... And what else? " Vishal was enjoying teasing the two. He quickly gave a teasing smile to satya. Megha never knew all this she felt warmth spreading in every possible corner of her heart.

" Fine ... I was protective of her. What about you. You never allowed any guy to approach Riya because of your possesiveness. You told all our friends that she is someone whom you love and so the craziness was more than i could ever had." This was tit for tat from satya.
Riya blushed and megha smiled.
" megha you were unique to me always. I thought i admired your talent. You were simple, sweet and talented. I never saw you getting rude to anyone. So i always respected you. Even now you are best. You are beautiful and unique so trust yourself. If you don't trust yourself enough you can trust me ... You are the most beautiful girl and the only girl i love... and will love you always"
Megha was so red that it could be compared to a cherry. Satya loved her sweetness and so he took her hamd and kisses it.
It was all so beautiful.
Megha was happy to know that She was not invisible to Satya.
The journey was the most truly memorable.

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