magic of love

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It's morning... he was not able to sleep the whole night just waiting for morning... he is sure about his feelings for her and not  going to back down. He saw the first light rays of sun ... .. without thinking he took his phone ... Searched her number and dialed it..
Dialing megha's number can make his heart race... he Never thought before ....

As he dailed the number, it was ringing....
" Hello! Who's this? "

" Megha... It's me... Satya..." his hand is above my heart to hold it from coming out.... She was sleeping .. and he woke her up... her sleepy voice .. ... Her sleepy voice is so attractive and sexy....
Now he can only
Breathe in and breathe out
To keep his mind in the present situation...

" Good morning boss... Are you doing Yoga ... Is there anything urgent" she spranked from her bed to sit..... She was woken up at such hour .. she was just staring at the wall clock... It was showing 5 am... Man ... Who calls at 5 am.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
My sleeep!!!!

" get ready i will pick you up at 7 am .. ... .. we ... We have to go somewhere.... "even he was confuswd why he called so early.... He had no reason to take her out... So he created one... Now he needs to create a proper place to go to... And it should be work related ...

" 7 am... But work starts at 10 .... Okay... Ok.. " she replied after a long silence...
She kept her phone down and .... Felt like crying... She hates to wake up early morning ... She can work all night but can never wake up at early hours ... Thats her time to dream....

She decided  to sleep for a few more minutes after putting an alarm at 6....
As the alarm went off... she dragged herself to get ready... fighting with all her will to wake up early......

She was ready and ran downstairs panting ... It was already 7:15... she was sure to get some earful but lucky enough.. Satya was in good mood... He just stared at her....
" Good morning sir"

Satya's pov

Where is she ?.. it's already 7... did she forgot and is still sleeping... Should i call her again?.... But it's too early to wake her up... Since school days ... she hated getting up early morning....
I was reckless... Lets wait here... I can wait as long as she wants...
There she is .... She remembered to come... She is panting ... I made her run.... Her hair is wet .. she looks so beautiful.... What was wrong with me that i declined such a girl... My dreamgirl...I am really an idiot....
She looks so beautiful ... I can't take my eyes off her... She is beautiful.... Her eyelashes are long... When she blinks... Its beautiful to see the shadow ... Her lips ... They are so soft... So juicy...
Today she painted them pink... Wowww .. ..
"Good morning sir"

" huh.. ... good.. good morning... hop on.."
Relax .. dont make her feel uncomfortable...
" Did you have something?... let's have coffee... "

I am driving but my eyes are trying to stay on her and my brain is frozen, it should order the eyes to stay on the road.. ... you have affected my nervous system now .. .. ohhhh this feeling...
I can literally feel my heart happy full of butterflies... I just love this feeling... I love being around her...
" Are you ok Megha... Do You want to listen to some songs... ?" I got my FM and the romantic songs are coming out of it... Wow... What a perfect timing.... Now i love these songs... They make me feel each word .... Love is awesome....

We reached our Acafé..
I ordered cappuccino and white forest pastry... And Megha was tensed... " take your time... Waiter can you give us some time"
Waiter went back... Megha was shocked but said "Thank you... I take time to choose... Sorry..."

" It's okay.. relax..... "

She was turning the pages in the menu.. After some time she was finally ready
I called the waiter repeated my order... And Megha asked for " fruit pudding and coffee frappe...and idli sambar ... "

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