meeting old faces

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Megha's pov

I received a message from my boss saying that I should meet him in front of Lieb headquarters at 10 am . I am confused about what is going on. Obviously not a date to my previous office. Is it some kind of fact check about my experience. God why can't he tell the reason in the message... 'Awwwwww'
Whatever let's wait here, it's already 9:55 am.
Dot 10 am and he is here. 'Is he a watch or what' ....
"Follow me. The head designers of Lieb are customising the clothes of our client Miss Anita Mahaveera. He is out but he allowed us to ask his assistant and in return he suggested a collaboration in the near future. His assistant is Mr Nitin. Try to get as much information as we need but remember they are also business persons and have confidentiality to  maintain." Boss stated

" Yes sir. "
I followed and we reached Mr Nitin's office. I was so happy to see the desks where i used to sit. My colleagues and even my competitors. As  we entered the office, Nitin was shocked to see me. I never expected him to show his rare smile. He greeted and said " long time no see Miss"
I was happy to see him... " Long time no see Nitin."
The boss is having a meeting with him and even trying to confirm the collaboration ( which will be headed by any team ) to give experience to their interns. But still it will be a good profitable collaboration.
Boss is a genius
I personally know Lieb, it's impossible to make them have a business where they are ready to open their designs and having collaboration with them is a big brainy job.
God he is smart, handsome and now a genius. He was always the best even in our school. Top in academics, sports
and even cultural activities were empty without him. I feel attracted to him more and more. Looks like he is still my crush or maybe he is my renewed crush... 'wake up you are in working hours'

Finally the meeting is over, Nitin sat across the sofa and said, " Megha, we missed you. You know it has been so long and the office is so different without you but I am happy for you. You are great in your work and just want to see you rise more.lets catch up again. I am still under boss A and have  a meeting to attend next. If you need any details just call or text me. "
we are out. I really miss that place not because I am not happy here It's just that i had my start there.
Boss 1 motioned me to sit in his car as we are going to the same destination. I am sitting beside him. His perfume is special, Not strong or suffocating but fresh and attractive. With each passing second I am falling for him more.
He is stopping at a Acafé .
We followed the waiter to a table close to  the corner to have a good view of the garden. " a cappuccino and blueberry cheesecake and you will have?"
" oh! A lemon tea along with white forest pastry" I am just babbling whatever I could read from the menu. The waiter left me in confusion about what happened just now.
" it's already lunch time, you should order something good to fill your stomach. I prefer the coffee here and needed some caffeine after this meeting. So I dragged you here"

" O... Ok .. .  But I am good. Thank you "
My voice sometimes acts like a traitor, slipping without my knowledge. But I am feeling my heartbeat increase as I could see his care... ' he is soooo... Caring....'

Waiter just gave our orders and left. How can someone be so handsome even when   he is eating cheesecake. The more I am around him, the more fascinated i am.....
His lips are moving ...his lips are so attractive.. is he speaking something... He is waving his hand in front of my eyes.
"Are you okay? Do you not like what you ordered. You can ask something else. Don't be shy. Be at ease."

Satya's pov

She is smiling but what is she thinking there. This girl . ... Does she not remember we are from same school? Why act as if we don't know eachother.
Since we are here I hope she has something good to eat, I rushed her early today and it's past lunchtime.
"Okay. "
Her voice is mesmerizing.
I asked her to be at ease will she be comfortable around me. Should I remind her we were batchmates? What if she doesn't remember me? What if she gets more uncomfortable after all I was a student who is used to be famous for his pranks?
Let go... Let's see how she is doing. How can see enjoy a pastry and lemon tea? That smile makes me want that. Unknowingly my hands reached for her pastry " can I try this?"
" Yes" she seemed confused for some time but openly accepted.
I like to see those eyes.. they just speak so much ....
The pastry is really sweet. I like it. Mayy be I should try this next time.

She is again silent. I want to hear her voice more..
" how do you feel here in Moksh? Do you have some trouble? If you face any problem you can directly talk to me."

Megha's pov
" thank you sir. Moksh is just great. I love my work here. The environment is healthy even the compitition and opportunities are good enough to grow."

Awwwww he asked me to be comfortable...... Did he notice I am staring at him.... He is so sweet. I m falling for him... again......
Wake up... Just focus .... Lemon tea is nice and the pastry is just up to my taste... love it.... and he tried it .. from my plate .... My pastry ... he  liked it.... he was smiling... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Can you please stop making my heart race so much..... ahhhhhhh.... Distract ... Dont look at him.... Yes... just enjoy the food....

After finishing we reached our office, we have a lift to reach our floor, my day looks like a movie ... Lift had a jerk and I was holding him to keep my balance.... His sweet smell.... His strong chest .... Save me someone........ I am dying..... Ahhhhhhhhhhh.... my heart is about to come out of my body ..... Even he might hear me...... Ahhhhhhh...

Satya's pov

Lift needs to be checked again... Megha was so scared i could hear her heart beating so much... She was holding me to keep her balance... I want to make sure she is ok.... She landed on my chest due to this jerk..... she is beautiful... Her hairs are so smooth to touch.... She is close to me.... What am i thinking? I should focus on her safety.... Let me hold her a bit....
Ohh... We reached our floor... She seperated from me as the gate open and left.... I am still there breathing her presence... Hope she is not scared now.... This lift..... Engineers are not doing their jobs i guess..... HR department needs to get some more doses... I will ask Vishal to be strict with them.... I should also go to my office now ....

*Anita Mahaveera is the VIP client whose wedding jewellery is being designed.
** I enjoy reading how the couple fell for each other that attracts me more .. ..  I made it long for the proper growth of the love story.. so I tried here ... Hope you all like it .. if you want to give some pointers please do.....

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