his little "girlfriend"

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You don't know how but you find yourself being obsessed with him?
So you would say yes to him. All of the sudden he texted you?!?!

Made up your mind yes or no..?

You Can't help but start blushing so you reply " maybe yes..! ". The next day he runs up to you with tat adorable smile. "Hey y/n wanna see something at lunch" Sure! Why not?!. "Bett" he kisses you and runs off somewhere. The whole day waiting for lunch you can't get your mind off of it. So you blasted his song "SMOKE IT OFF!!" In your ears till the end of the class. " y/n! Follow me now" you get up and follow Lumi to the bathroom the boys bathroom? You thought the old boys bathroom was abounded though.He pushes you in the stall and locks it from the outside and leaves. "I promise I'll be right back do you trust me?" ...y-yea I guess? You try to unlock it but the inside lock is so rusty it can only be unlocked from the outside. You start tearing up a little, 20 minutes later the power goes out and Lumi runs in the stall with you. The stall had no toilet and the walls we're basically connected to the floor. You flash the light on his face just to make sure it's him. "Stop it turn it off" ok but what's going on? "Don't talk so loud darling.." why not? "shush please?" Why n- " he grabs you and forcefully kisses you secretly saying "Stfu or I'll kill you" 15 minutes pass "let's sit down if you don't wanna sit on the floor sit on my lap" what? " sit on the floor or on my fujicking lap are deaf" you sit on his lap. An whole hour goes bye, what's going on Lumi I'm starting to get scared. "I'll tell you lat-" *footsteps* Lumi covers your mouth as tightly as he could. Lumi gets up and opens the stall when his friend calls his name desperate for him to respond. His friend walks in the small claustrophobic stall. Now three people hiding in the stall for what reason? Lumi pulls you closer to him. "Are you hot or cold" a little cold..? he puts you under his hoodie with him. *Fs* ( friend speaking) " Lumi the school is on lockdown and the remaining people has to hide or di-"
*Ls* (Lumi speaking) " Stfu your so dead when this is over" you start to panic and cry in his shoulder. At this point Lumi wants to kill his friend but instead he punches him in the arm. *Ls* " Wdym remaining" *Fs* "some are de-." Lumi pinches him on the arm."nevermin-" Someone else walks in the bathroom at that moment. Lumi again forcefully kisses you but it's the " Stfu crying now please" kiss. The person stands there for about 30 minutes then walks out, Lumi slowly and quietly whispers in your ear "everything is going to be ok just clam down" then you black out after that.
The next day
Your back hurts from sleeping in that tiny stall you get up but your not at your house. Lumi walks in the room. "your up not get off my bed" wha- he throws you on the floor and lays on the bed. You leave his house and walks to yours but before you could do that he got up and grabbed you and threw in this big closet and locked the door. Yea he is off his meds anyways, the closest has a mat clothes and food just for you. Your bored of your house so you don't really care to much of you being locked in a closet with barely in light. You go to sleep and wake up to him sleeping on you
Pft he has his own bed you thought, what's wrong with him is a psychopa- Ugh he wakes up again now that you pay attention to his face he has bruises and bandaids all over his neck?... Hey Lumi what's wrong with your nec- "nothing.." Mhmm.. "...." .. "...." Why do you keep looking at me like that? "...." Let me see your nec- he gets up and walks out the room/closest"you coming out or nah?" Sure I wanna see what your house looks like "closed doors are my parents room and privacy stuff" ok ok I know that already. You get up and walk around his huge 2 story house, you see a closed door and you hear meowing?.. Lumi is downstairs in the living room scrolling on his phone, you slowly and quietly open the door. Awe a cute kitten on a mat you take care of it for a Little bit and turn to leave, but Lumi is leaning on the door way with his hands in his hoodie Jacket. " I see your not listening to me.." uh well I heard meowing and I love cats so.. " that doesn't matter get out and go downstairs" who is he to boss around like that..? Anyways you head back down stairs and into the kitchen, whoa he has so much stuff in his kitchen. Your leaning towards his coffee dispenser, he grabs your waist spins you around and pushes on the couch. Dude wth what I did do? He starts laughing " hehe... TAG YOUR IT" he runs upstairs and goes into a room. Ugh I can't pick the wrong room, your walking around in the hallways upstairs and you walk pass this door, you thought you hear a bit of laughter. You try to open the door but somethings holding on to the door knob. Then it lets go, you push the door open to see a bunch of pocket knifes on the wall. WHOAA, you cover your mouth after you say that out loud. You hear something russling through the closest, you open it nothing's there you turn to leave but Lumi jumps out the closest and pushes you on the ground. You get up and tag him and run back downstairs but you fell downstairs instead. Lumi runs out helps you up and start laughing. " Oh shjit the fujick happened" Oww my shoulder and my arm. Wtf you looking at like that.. ow. He drags you back upstairs into his room "be careful next time let me see your arm" I'll pass that offe- "GIVE ME YOUR FUJICKING ARM" Chill.. fine, he checks your arm out. He runs out and comes back with a huge bandaid and puts it on your arm. "Ok now go to sleep" what? Haven't I slept enough "its midnight please go to sleep" you get up and go to the closest/room "who said you were sleeping in there?" Wdym ? "Your sleeping with me I'm your boyfriend" that doesn't mean anything to m- he grabs you pushes you on the bed and starts to hold you down. Let go of me ! "No way" he is to strong so you just lay there and go to sleep.

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