Start Anew

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You and Emily were working on a case. Emily was driving you two to a witness's house. There was always a lasting tension between the two of you. Emily thought you hated her and vice versa.

Emily had pissed you off once again. She questioned you every time you offered to go into the field rather than hang back, "Emily it's like you don't trust me or my abilities!" Emily exhaled, the volume of your voice made her realize she fucked up. "Y/n I do trust you-" "Then act like it!"

As Emily steers the car down the road towards the witness's house, a palpable tension fills the air between her and you. Despite your shared dedication to the case, you two have been trapped in a cycle of apprehension and uncertainty regarding each other's feelings. Awash with a mixture of doubt and longing, Emily takes a discreet glance at you from the corner of her eye. She can't help but wonder if you truly despise her as she has been fearing all along. The thought gnaws at her, a weight on her heart that grows heavier with each passing moment.

Silence stretches between you two, the only sound being the steady hum of the car's engine. Emily's mind races, contemplating the possible causes of the tension. Is it her own aloofness or your reluctance to open up? Or perhaps it's the fear of the power dynamics at play.

Summoning her courage, Emily breaks the silence. Her voice is a blend of vulnerability and a longing for understanding. "Y/N, if I may be honest, I have been feeling a certain tension between us. And it's been eating at me. I can't help but wonder if... if you dislike me."

Her grip on the steering wheel tightens, her knuckles turning white. She holds her breath, waiting for your response, hoping that the underlying truth between them can find a way to surface and bridge the divide that has haunted their partnership.

"Dislike you? Emily, you have been cold towards me since I joined the team, if anything you don't like me. I simply matched your energy." you said and shrugged her shoulders. Secretly you wanted to stop this with Emily but it was almost routine.

Emily's breath catches in her throat at your candid response, her heart sinking with the realization that her own aloofness had inadvertently caused this distance between the two of you. She had believed she was protecting herself, but in doing so, she had unknowingly pushed you away.

Her grip on the steering wheel relaxes as she absorbs your words, a mix of regret and understanding washing over her. She had unknowingly set the tone for your interactions, unintentionally creating an atmosphere of distance instead of fostering a connection.

"I... I didn't realize, Y/N," Emily murmurs, her voice tinged with remorse and a newfound vulnerability. "I've been so focused on maintaining professionalism and protecting myself that I didn't stop to consider the impact it had on our partnership. I'm sorry."

She glances at you, her eyes filled with a newfound warmth and genuine regret. The tension in the car shifts, the air becoming charged with the possibility of reconciliation.

"I want to change that, Y/N. I don't want our interactions to be defined by this tension anymore," Emily admits, her voice steady but laced with a touch of vulnerability. "I want us to be a team, supportive and open with each other. Can we try to start anew, to move past our preconceptions and strive for a stronger partnership?"

Emily's heart pounds in her chest as she waits for your response. Hope bubbles within her, eager for the chance to connect with you on a deeper level, to bridge the gap that has separated them for far too long.

You sighed, "I want that too Emilly. Can we start over?" you shifted in your seat to stick her hand out to Emily to shake, "Y/f/n Y/l/n, nice to meet you." A surge of relief floods through Emily as you express your desire for a fresh start, mirroring her own longing for connection. A smile lights up Emily's face as she grasps your hand, a renewed sense of hope washing over her.

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