Fuck! EmilyxJJxReaderDaughter

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Emily and JJ had just pulled into their driveway after a case and opened the door, when they got the mom feeling. The feeling that something was wrong. Last year they adopted a beautiful 17 year old who needed a lot of therapy and love. Y/n was an incredibly smart kid with an even better heart, she never did anything wrong. The two gave each other a look and headed upstairs to their daughters room, they always left her home alone when they went on cases because they trusted her, "Y/n, why don't you just tell them? They're lesbians!" They stopped in their tracks outside her door and listened, "Because I don't want them to think that I've purposely lying to them, I don't wanna break their trust. I mean, who else gets left home alone for days on end at 17? No one." The concern grew in both agents, and you were officially freaking out. Pacing back and forth in front of your girlfriend who now was sitting on your bed, "You haven't been lying to them, coming out, even to gay people, can be hard. It shouldn't be, but it is." JJ silently whispered, "Preach." Which earned a silent chuckle from Emily. "Your moms will love you no matter what, and we realized we liked each other yesterday, it's better to do these things in person. They'll understand, so take a deep breath, grab your inhaler and let's do this. Shouldn't they be home soon?" You smirked and straddled her lap. As the agents started to back away, the bad feelings thing, happened, "Yeah, but before then I wanna do this." You leaned in and kissed her, the kiss was full of love and lust. "Y/n stop before we go too far. You're the one stressed about breaking trust." You began kissing down her neck, a soft moan escaped her lips, "Self control." Emily heard the moan and went into mom mode, you were still her baby. So she tip toed back to the stairs before loudly announcing they were home, "Fuck!" JJ knocked on the door, "Y/n/n! Can we come in?" You began to freak out again so your girlfriend answered, "Yes!" The door crept open and your moms looked worried, "Why are you freaking out?" Emily asked bluntly, "I uh- I need to tell you guys something, but you have to promise not to kill me." JJ laughed before sitting next to y/gfs/n on your bed setting one of your blue pillows on her lap, "We love too much for that." You took a deep breath before blurting it all out, "I'm bi and last night we realized we liked each other and started dating and I know you said boys weren't allowed in the house when you were gone so I didn't know if the same rules applied if your dating your girl best friend so I now I'm losing it because you guys trust me and-" You paused and took a hit off your inhaler, "I'm good." Emily stepped forward and pulled you into a huge hug, "Sweetie, we're gay, one, and two there are different sets of rules for your situation which we will discuss, but thank you for worrying about breaking rules. You're a good kid, and you haven't done anything that says otherwise." You let out a sigh of relief and hugged her tighter.

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