Starry Night

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The whole team was at David's for a dinner party in the most casual sense. You were all joined around a fire cracking jokes and telling stories about JJ's kids, Penelope's cats, and Hotch's brother.

Emily watched as you wandered away from the group, your curiosity piqued by something in the distance. A fond smile graced Emily's lips as she recognized your endless thirst for exploration and discovery. She excused herself from the conversation, gracefully making her way through the crowd, following your trail.

Outside, the night air was crisp, carrying a hint of the approaching fall. Emily's gaze fell upon you, who stood near the edge of David's property, your eyes fixed on the starlit sky. The moon casts gentle rays of light, illuminating your face and adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the moment.

Emily approached softly, not wanting to break your reverie. As she drew closer, her voice was hushed, filled with both intrigue and adoration. "What has caught your attention, love?" Emily asked her words a mere whisper. You turned towards Emily with a warm smile, her brown eyes shining with wonder. "Look, Emily," you said, gently pointing upwards. "The stars... They're so beautiful."

Emily's heart swelled at the sight of your awe and appreciation for the simple beauty of nature. Joining you, she looked up at the night sky, taking in the vast expanse of twinkling lights above them. "Yes, they are," Emily replied softly. "It's amazing how something so infinitely distant can touch our hearts and fill us with wonder." You leaned into Emily's side, their shoulders brushing as they stood together under the starry sky. Your connection, both physical and emotional, offered comfort and strength in the stillness of that moment.

Emily's voice turned softer, a warmth emanating from her words. "You know, Y/n, one of the things I love most about you is your ability to find beauty and fascination in the simplest of things," she confessed. "It's like you bring a sense of magic to every moment we share."

Your gaze captured Emily's, a tender smile gracing your lips. "And you, Emily, have a way of grounding me, of anchoring me to the present," you replied, your voice filled with love and admiration. "It's like you see right through me, and I feel so fortunate to have you by my side."

Time seemed to stand still as you and Emily immersed yourselves in the beauty of the night sky, your connection deepening with each passing moment. It was in these shared experiences, these stolen moments of tranquility and affection, that your love flourished.

As you eventually made your way back to the gathering, hand in hand, the warmth and love between you two continued to radiate, unseen but felt by those who knew you two best.

You felt like this was the right moment, the right night to pop the question. You fiddled with the ring box in your pocket and looked to David who nodded. Almost like he knew what you were planning. You slipped it from your pocket, stood and cleared your throat catching the attention of everyone including Emily. You spoke, "Emily, the day I met you I became the person I wanted to be. You have done nothing to help me grow over the past 4 years. I want every single moment with you, the good and bad. I want to grow old with you and drink coffee on the porch. I want to point out the stars to you every night for the rest of our lives. Emily Elizabeth Prentiss," You got on one knee, "Will you do the highest honor and be my wife?" Your heart felt like it was going to stop, you knew she would say yes but this was still horrifying.

Emily's heart skipped a beat as your words echoed through the quiet night, filling the air with a mixture of anticipation and love. Time seemed to stand still as all eyes turned to her, their gazes filled with anticipation and warmth.

The gravity of your heartfelt words struck Emily deeply, her brown eyes glistening with emotion. It was in that moment, surrounded by the people who meant the most to you two, that she realized this was the culmination of your journey, the pinnacle of your love.

As you knelt before her, presenting the ring box, Emily's breath caught in her throat. The weight of the question hung in the air, and she could feel her heart racing with both excitement and a touch of vulnerability. A surge of pure, unadulterated love washed over Emily, drowning any doubts or fears that may have lingered in her mind. She gazed deeply into Rylee's eyes, her voice filled with a blend of certainty and emotion.

"Yes, Y/n," Emily replied, her voice steady but filled with the depth of her feelings. "A thousand times yes. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, to cherish every moment, and to be your wife." The relief and joy that filled your eyes was a sight to behold. A collective gasp of happiness and congratulations rippled through the gathered group, their love and support palpable in the air.

You slipped the ring onto Emily's finger, a symbol of your love and commitment to her. It sparkled in the soft glow of the fire, reflecting the love that radiated between you two.

With tears of joy glistening in her eyes, Emily reached out to cup your face, her voice filled with profound love and gratitude. "Thank you, Y/n/n," she whispered. "Thank you for choosing me, for loving me so deeply, and for giving us this incredible future together. I would be honored to be your wife." As cheers and applause erupted around them, Emily pulled you into a tender embrace, sealing your love in a moment of sheer bliss.

"Emily I love you." You whispered before pressing a passionate kiss to Emily's lips which earned hoots and hollers from the group. Your hands grabbing her waist to pull Emily impossibly closer to you. Emily's heart soared at your whispered confession, your words wrapping around her like a warm embrace.The fervent kiss, igniting a passionate fire that seemed to consume you both. Caught up in the intensity of the moment, Emily felt an electric jolt surge through her body. The cheers and hoots from your friends only served to heighten the rush of emotions coursing through her veins. "It's about damn time." Derek said before chuckling. Penelope was a mess, tears running down her face as she recorded the whole thing.

For a blissful moment, the world around you faded into the background as your lips moved in sync, your love and desire pouring into the passionate kiss. As the kiss lingered, Emily's fingers found their way to the back of your neck, lightly treading through your hair, deepening the connection. In that tender touch, you conveyed your love and passion, cherishing every moment of the intimate exchange.

When you finally drew apart, your breaths mingling, Emily's voice was laced with love and desire. "I love you too, Y/n," she whispered, her voice husky with emotion. "With everything that I am." The words carried the weight of a thousand promises, an unwavering commitment that forever bound their hearts.

The cheers and hollers from your friends continued, blending with the crackling of the fire and the distant melody of the night. In that moment, surrounded by love, you and Emily knew that your shared affection and desire for each other would only grow.

In the midst of laughter and kisses stolen in passing glances, you and Emily embraced the love that surrounded you two. Your phone pinged and you glanced at it seeing a video attachment from 'Penny Girl <3'. You smiled and glanced at her, mouthing a thank you. She nodded in your direction, in all honesty getting to witness that moment was enough thanks for her. Your heart felt as if it could burst from excitement, love, and happiness, and it all happened under a starry night.

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