Making up PrentissxReader

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She's alive? She didn't die? "I'm so sorry. Seriously, you didn't deserve that." She hugged Morgan and he slowly hugged her back, "Y/n. I am so sorry. I truly am." I stood up and walked around JJ and Hotch and booked it to the bathroom. I threw open the door and slid down the wall letting out the sob I was holding back. Someone gently knocked at the door, "Go away Emily." I heard a slight chuckle and the door pushed open. "JJ, I'm not mad at you. Or Emily. Or Hotch. I'm just frustrated. I'm so frustrated that Doyle caused Emily to go into hiding for months and I just wish I could've at least known she was alive and just not where she is." She slid down beside me and grabbed my hand. Tears were flowing consistently from my eyes. "I understand. You have to understand that Emily hated the idea. However she knew none of us would be safe if she didn't and, currently, she's sobbing in Reid's arms because she thinks you hate her." I looked up at her, "For real? I could never hate her. She did what she did for us and for Declan. We have to find Declan." I jumped up and walked back upstairs, "Let's find Declan. Emily you and I can talk later." The team was stunned but they all stood up and got to work, "Prentiss I want you to go talk to Doyle. Get all his female known associates, we think Declan's Mom did this." She nodded, "Y/n, go with her and watch." I nodded and walked with Emily down there. As we opened the doors to the bullpen Emily stopped and grabbed my hands forcing me to face her, "Look at me." I still didn't, "Y/n, look at me." I looked into her eyes, "I did what had to be done. All of you were in danger unless I was dead. I missed you so so much. I know it could not have been easy." She paused and wiped her cheeks. "You have to believe that I never wanted to hurt you in any way, I knew it would. JJ updated me about how you were doing. Y/n you were hurting yourself again." I stopped her by putting my hand softly on her cheek, "Emily, I'm not mad. I understand. It's just a lot." She placed her hand on top of mine and melted into my touch. "I still love you Y/n." I smiled and rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb, "Me too, but right now, Declan needs you. So let's go save him." She smiled, "Can I hear you say it?" You sighed and looked deeper into her eyes, "I love you, Emily." She nodded and we started to the interrogation room. We didn't see the happy stares of the team.

"Thank you, Emily. Thank you for keeping me safe all these years." She engulfed Declan in a hug, "Of course D, you deserve to have a better life than your father. Now go home." She pushed him slightly to the car and watched him drive away. I walked up to her and grabbed her hand, "You continue to impress me every day. You would be such a great mother." She looked at me with a huge smile on her face, "Oh yeah?" I nodded with a big smile on my face. I heard Morgan yell 'I knew it!' and I turned to face Emily, "Think they know now?" She stepped closer to me. "Definitely, and I would so kiss you right now if local PD weren't everywhere and I wasn't at work." I chuckled and pulled her to an SUV, I opened her door before jumping in the driver's seat after yelling, "Jay, if you're riding with us let's go!" I started the car as JJ jumped in the back. I started back to the office and JJ sighed, "How long were you guys together before Doyle?" Emily looked at me confused, "We don't really know. It started out as little glances, and then a few sneaky kisses, to a full full-blown relationship. So good question." I explained. Emily jumped in, "So since she joined the team." We all laughed.

Finally pulling back into my apartment, Emily and I jumped out of the car and almost ran to my apartment. When we stepped in the elevator she immediately shoved me against the wall and smashed her lips on mine, I grabbed her waist to pull her closer to me and she rested her hands on my neck. Our lips moved in sync before the elevator rang and we jumped apart. An older woman stepped on and we rode to my floor. All 3 of us stepping off. Emily and I quickly walked to my door and I fumbled with the lock before flinging the door open and we piled in dropping all of our stuff. As soon as possible our lips were together again. We stood in the doorway making out for a while before we pulled away for air, "Do you have a place here?" Emily rested her forehead on mine and shook her head. "Perfect. You can stay with me. Forever. Please never leave my side again. Ever." She grabbed my hands pulling me to my bedroom, pushing me back onto the bed, and straddling me. She kissed down my neck and I moaned, "I don't plan on it." That was the beginning of a lot of making-up.

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