Penelope! ReaderxTeam

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You walked into the office excited to start your first day as a profiler. You were fresh out of the academy, the team had their doubts about hiring someone with no field experience. You didn't worry about it though, you killed your training and had even assisted in a few take downs for the local PD. As you sat your stuff down at your desk you felt a hand on your shoulder, "Hey! Garcia!" Garcia and you clicked from your interview, "What's up youngin'?" You chuckled at the nickname and shrugged, "I'm nervous, but I'm also so excited. So many people told me I would never get here, but here I am." You smiled big and she did too. "Well, get ready because Hotch and Rossi are talking in his office." She pointed to the window and Emily walked up to your other side. "That cannot be good." She stated before sighing, "Well Y/l/n, your first case might be a bad one. Buckle up." You let out a deep sigh and Prentiss patted your back.

Prentiss was absolutely correct. This was an incredibly tough case, everyone was stuck. They had no leads and more bodies were dropping. You were sitting in the floor reading case files in a local PD's conference room when you saw it. The tiniest detail you all haven't seen yet. You shot up and yelled for the team and dialed Garcia, "You've reached the baddest analyst ever." You smiled, "Garcia, does the number 06 have any importance to the area?" You slid the photo to Hotch and circled the tiny 06 written on the socks of all the victims. "Oh my god! You're a genius! New girl gets a gold star, in 2006 a father and his son were on a bus when the bus driver had a heart attack and died at the wheel. The bus crashed and it killed his son along with 7 other passengers. What's weird is the bus driver was in perfect health." The team let out a sigh, "Name?" Morgan asked, "Scott Harrison, address just sent" The team ran out the door to the SVU's and sped off.

"Look at me Scott, I understand the incredible amount of pain you felt. Losing a loved one like that, it sucks. But killing other fathers, won't bring him back and it won't make the pain go away." You gulped as you shared a little too much information with your new team on your first day. "Who'd you lose?" Scott looked sincere so you answered, "My fiancé. Car wreck, someone ran a red light and she died on the scene." The team looked shocked at the fact you was engaged so young and that you just came out to them. "Okay. Okay. You get it. I'll drop it." Scott dropped the gun and put his hands up, the victim ran away and you approached him with cuffs as Reid backed you up.

"Oh my precious apricots! I missed you!" Penelope greeted us at the elevators and hugged us all. "So, I did a little digging while you were gone." Morgan cut her off, "Babygirl we talked about this." She shut him up, "Hush! I found little miss Y/n's highschool essay contest entry." You gasped loudly and snatched it from her hand, "Penelope Garcia! This is so embarrassing, I was an angsty theatre kid, this is so depressing." The team laughed, "What's it about?" JJ asked as she grabbed it from me, "The Creation of the Middle Class as a Result of the Great Depression." She continued. "Sounds like you and Reid are gonna hit it off." Emily joked and we all dispersed to our desk. You stood by the elevators for a moment before letting a single tear of joy slip before quickly wiping it away. You made it, your team seemed to like you, and they didn't care you were gay. You looked up and quietly said, "Baby, I made it. For you." Emily watched you and felt proud of you, you had obviously been through a lot, but you somehow still smiled and worked your ass off.

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