Protective Custody EmilyxReader

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You were shaking slightly, my adrenaline still pumping. "Y/n right?" You looked up to see a gorgeous brunette standing in front of the table i was sitting at, "Yes." She stuck her hand out and you shook it. "Hey, I'm Emily Prentiss. I understand you answered some questions for the officers but I would like to take you through something called a cognitive interview. It helps you remember things your brain tucks away as not important." You understand every word she said but you were also distracted by the way her face moved with each word. "Yeah," You wiped the fly aways from your face, "I'm ready." She grabbed your hands with both of her as a way to keep you grounded. "Take a deep breath, close your eyes and start from the beginning."

You walked into work like any other day, you were working two jobs to help pay for the rest of your degree. Who knew 7 years of college would cause this much debt? You did. "Hey. Y/n!" Your co worker John smiled and waved at you before going back to chopping lettuce. You waved back and clocked in setting your things down. A loud bang was heard from the front of the restaurant, you came out of the kitchen to investigate. "I want the host up here now!" A man was standing at the front door holding a gun, visibly angry. Fear was coursing through your body but you headed to him. "Hi, I'm Y/n I just got here. How can I help you?" He shook his head, "I don't care about your name. You're just a body."

Your breathing became quick and shaky, "Hey, open your eyes," You did and started to calm down. "You're safe. Keep going." You nodded and closed your eyes again.

"I want to sit down and enjoy a nice meal. However the feds are after me by this point so lock the doors, front and back. Get all the kitchen staff out here," He reached up and stroked your cheek with the gun, "you my beautiful, are gonna cook for me." You quickly nodded and sat him at a table in the corner where he could see the door. You went to the kitchen and told them to go out front and sit down. Pulling the dishwasher aside, "Go out the back, run to the next store and call 911." He ran out the door and you watched him run across the road before closing and locking the door. Another bang rang out.

A commission outside the door caused you to snap back into reality and look out the window, "Where's the girl? She ruined our plan!" The man was screaming as they drug him into a room in cuffs. You chuckled, "I almost feel bad for him, he thought he had it under control." She laughed with you, "A lot of assholes like him do." You took a deep breath. "Okay, let's finish this so I can get a drink." You both laughed.

"Why did you shoot him? He's just a kid?" You screamed at the man holding you and everyone else hostage. He shot up and calmly said, "Because my boss wants at least 3 bodies. He wanted a kid dead first." He took a step closer to you, your heart was beating out of your chest and you terrified. "Maybe a soon to be college graduate should be next." You had told him why you worked so much earlier on. "Then do it. Kill me." You said challenging him, you knew he wouldn't. He was stunned so you decided now was your chance. You kneed him in the groain, grabbed his gun and hooked your leg around his neck pulling him to the ground. "Everyone out now!" Patrons and your co workers ran outside as you used your foot to hold him down while holding him at gun point.  The self defense classes came in handy. "Who's your boss huh?" He groaned in pain, "I'm not telling you."

"And then you guys showed up. He was calm one second and furious the next. It was weird. He kept saying our and we're and my boss, but he never specified gender, like it was important it was a secret." She nodded in agreement. She stood up and offered you her hand, you took it and she pulled you up. "We need to go talk to my boss, he wants you in protective custody. You interrupted their plan and might become a target." A second wave of fear ran through you, that didn't even cross your mind. Emily noticed immediately and placed her hands on your shoulders, "Look at me, you are safe here. No one can get to you." A tear slip and you nodded. You didn't want to die.

A knock rang through the silence of the small office you had slept in for the past two days. You sat up wiping your face off and clearing your throat, "Come in." The door opened and a very exhausted looking but also excited Emily appeared. "We got him. You can go home." You almost cried and immediately hugged her, wrapping your arms around her neck. Both of you could feel how right it felt so you just held each other. Pulling the other as close as possible, breathing in the moment. When you eventually pulled away from her, Emily felt cold and naked. "Thank you. So much. I'll hopefully see you again. Maybe after I graduate." She laughed and you two parted ways for what you both thought was the last time.

On the flight home all Emily could think about the small moments you two shared. Like when she caught you staring at her through the window in the office you stayed in, and she met your eyes. Getting lost in them before forcing herself to re focus. Or the time you ran into each other in the bathroom and looked at each other for way too long. A small smile played on her lips and Morgan saw it, "Whatcha blushing about missy?" She looked at him and shrugged, "Missed opportunities I guess." She looked back out the window and sighed, you were gorgeous and she had no choose but to walk away from you.

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