I get it. EmilyxReader

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Emily Prentiss was never the type to be shy or not confident, but when it came to her sexuality, she became a brick wall. While you're the opposite, you don't care. So when you and Emily started dating arguments would come up often. They always ended with you apologizing for trying to pressure her and how it's her choice when to come out. You would get up the next morning together, cuddle until the last minute, shower together, but then you would wait in the car for 10 minutes after she went in. It was so much work hiding it from the team, they're profilers for heavens sake, but you did it for Emily. There was a lot of secret make out sessions in closets where you would time your exit from said closet. You just wanted to tell everyone how lucky you are and hold your girlfriends hand on the jet, or even just tell people that you're dating someone.

"Good morning Emily, Spencer and Morgan." You said as you entered the bull pen exactly ten minutes after Emily. Everyone shared their good mornings and chit chat before starting paperwork. After an hour or so Morgan got bored, "Hey Y/n," You looked up at him, "Are you dating anyone right now? Cause my sister's single and I would love to have you in the family." He gave you a cheeky grin and you laughed, "You know Morgan I might take you up on that, but right now I would love to finish my work before 7 o'clock." He nodded understandly and felt your phone buzz. 'might take you up on that? wtf' Emily was seriously mad at you for that? You were at your breaking point. You wrote back, 'Not like you're ever gonna claim me.' This started an argument bigger than words can describe.

"No Emily I don't get it! You're a grown woman who can date, fuck, love, whoever she wants!" Emily was standing at the kitchen counter with her head in her hands, exhausted from fighting for the past 2 hours. "Y/n, they're gonna see me differently! They're gonna treat me different, I just want to be Emily not Emily the lesbian!" You shook your head, "No, I'm done. I'm done hiding my girlfriend from who I call family. I'm done not being able to walk into work with you, or be able to hold your hand when I want. Emily we've gone on three fucking dates in our 6 month relationship because you're scared of being seen!" You were panting at this point, your voice was sore and your heart was breaking. "Y/n-" "No. You either tell them, or get out. I am done." Emily took a step towards you, "Don't touch me." You turned and went to bed without another word. Emily never joined you.

2 months later the team were on their way home from a case when Rossi spoke up, "Let's go get drinks tonight at that bar on 4th street, I'll pay?" Everyone agreed and went back to napping. That night you ran home to change into a nice dress and throw on some extra makeup. You were over Emily and were gonna get laid tonight. You took one last look at yourself in the mirror she bought for the doorway and you got cold chills. It happened everytime you thought about how you two shared the apartment. Secretly. The walk to the bar was short because you live a block away and the second you walked in and saw the team smiling, the thought of Emily and yours relationship left your mind. You were here to get drunk, get laid, and get Emily off your mind. "Morgan can you go get me a round please?" He nodded and left to the bar leaving you with Garcia, Hotch, Rossi and Reid. "Hey where's JJ?" Everyone shrugged. After a round or two of shots, you turned and saw what you thought was going to kill you right then and there. Emily and JJ were holding hands and gleaming. Your breaths were getting caught in your throat as they got closer. Emily made eye contact with you as she spoke, "We have news, we're together!" Everyone congratulated them as your hands started to shake, and the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat picking up speed. "I'm gonna go get some air." You booked it to the front door without another word. Shoving your way through the crowd, your vision starting to blurr with tears. The door flung open as you threw yourself out of it, the cool air hitting your tears. You stood in the middle of the sidewalk just sobbing until a hand hit your shoulder. A hand you would never forget the feeling of. "Get the fuck off me Emily!" You snapped around to face her. "Y/n hear me out-" "No Emily, I will not hear you out." She shrunk down as your voice rose. "You fucking bitch! I loved you, I still love you, and you left me. But 2 months later you're ready to come out?" She took a step towards you as you paced back and forth. "Y/n you don't understand the situation please listen to me." The sweat dripping off your forehead was all the indication Emily needed to know she fucked up. "Then make it make sense Em, cause I'm lost." She cleared her throat as she had tears of her own threatening to fall, "I came out to JJ that night in hopes of telling everyone else so I could get you back, and she listened to me, and she made it feel okay to be this way. She doesn't know about us though so you can't hold that on her. Just me." A scoff left your mouth, "How many time did I listen to you? How many times did I do everything in my power to make you feel like it's okay to be gay? How much did I sacrifice to help you feel acceptable and loved?" Emily was standing completely still except for picking at her nails. "Em I get it now it's not that you weren't ready to be out you just weren't ready to be out with me. If I'm that damn embarrassing just fucking tell me. It's fine. I get it." She let her tears fall as you went back inside, grabbed your purse and left again. The team un aware what just happened. JJ tried to ask you if you were okay but you just shoved past her.

Emily was in the same spot where you left here you came back outside. Standing beside her you whispered, "My resignation will be in Hotch's office tomorrow morning. I can't work with you and now her. Don't contact me." With that you walked into the night and out of Emily's life completely. The team never heard from you again other than Garcia occasionally checking in on you. Emily had hurt you worse than you could recover from if you had to see her everyday. At the end of the day, you got it, loud and clear.

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