Protective Custody pt. 2

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Emily walked into the office with a pep in her step. You had recently graduated and moved to DC for work. You two went out the night before and really enjoyed yourselves. Opening the glass doors she was still smiling from the kiss you two shared at the end of the night. She hadn't stopped smiling since then. "Is Emily Prentiss smiling at 7:45 in the morning?" She laughed and blushed hard. "Oh my god! You met someone!" Garcia added to her previous statement. "Maybe." Emily was smiling a school girl and her insides felt all warm just from the thought of you. "Who is she?" Prentiss walked to her desk with Penelope on her heels wanting an answer. "You can't kill me, because I know I shouldn't be with her-" "Be with who?" Hotch walked up to them interested in the conversation. "Uh- Y/n." Hotch's eyebrows raised and Emily knew she was fucked. "Isn't that the girl who over powered the shooter?" Garcia asked and Emily nodded looking at the floor. "Prentiss you know what I'm gonna say." Hotch spoke with authority. "I know, I shouldn't be with her, it makes us look bad. Trust me I thought about it all. But the feeling I get when I even so much as think about her is euphoric and amazing. I can't help it." Her stupid smile re appearing as she spoke about you. Hotch wanted to make her end the relationship because the director would be upset, but seeing Emily so happy is rare. He couldn't let it happen. Emily and Hotch would both lose their jobs. "Emily, I'm sorry but this is the position BRASS puts us in, it unfortunately has to be both of our jobs or her. I need to know by tomorrow morning." He was emotional but he had to follow protocol. Emily's heart stopped in her chest and Penelope grabbed her hand. Hotch solemnly walked away and Emily clutched her chest. "I- I can't breath." Garcia snapped into action and called for Reid, "She's having a panic attack." She explained as Spencer ran over. "Okay, Emily, focus on my voice and try to force the air back in. Try to clear your head. You got this." Prentiss closed her eyes and tried to breathe again. Her breathing started to steady so she opened her eyes. "There you go." She nodded and said a quick thank you before grabbing her stuff to leave. She had an important conversation to have.

"EP!" You practically screamed and wrapped her arms around Emily's neck. She smiled for a second at your nickname for you, it quickly faded and turned to a frown. You tighten your grip on her when she let out a sob. "Honey, come inside and tell me what's going on." She nodded and walked inside to sit on the couch. Emily is such a toughie but she melts around Y/n. You closed the door and took a deep breath and walked to her. "What's up?" You sat beside her and rubbed her back. "Hotch is making me choose between both of our jobs and you. And I can't lose you, you mean to world to me. I've never been this happy before Y/n. You literally make my heart swell. It's not a decision, I choose you. I will always choose you." She let out a large sob and leaned into you. "Baby, you can't lose your job. You worked your ass for that job." She shook her head, "I can't lose you either. I've never felt this way about anyone before." She kept sobbing for a few minutes as she clutched your shirt before she started to calm. "I'm handing in my resignation tomorrow so I'm gonna go type it. Can I borrow your laptop?" You said a quick yes and kissed her head. She sat up and grabbed your cheeks, "You're amazing. Is it too early to say I love you." You smiled and kissed her softly, "I love you too."

Emily took a deep breath as she stepped off the elevator. She was carrying only her badge, gun and resignation letter. "Prentiss! Hi! How'd it go last night?" She stopped in her tracks and turned to face her. "Where's your bag? Where's you stuff? Emily no." Penelope put the pieces together and a tear slip. "I can't lose Y/n. She's more important to me than this job. I can transfer out, I can't find anyone who makes me feel this way again." Garcia nodded and wiped her face. "Okay. I support you. You got this." Prentiss took a deep breath and started towards Hotch's office. The team watching her every step. She knocked and received a come in. "Prentiss?" She stepped into his office handing him the envelope. "This is my resignation. I'm not losing her, she means more to me than any job." Hotch was taken aback but took the letter. "Prentiss. I can't say I'm surprised." She sat down in front of his desk. "I want to be with her forever and I don't need BRASS down my back about my personal relationships. It's my life not there's and it's not fair that Will and JJ got to be together-" "Emily. Stop. I got it cleared up. Prentiss you're fine. Both of us can stay, and you can stay with Y/n." The weight of the world fell off her shoulders and she shot up almost freaking out but keeping it together. "Can I spend the day with her? Please?" Hotch nodded and smiled. Emily ran out of the office and hugged JJ on the way out, "I get to keep my job bitches!" She ran to the elevator and got to your work in a flash. She pulled into a spot and ran through the doors and into your office, "Y/n!" You stood up from your desk and she closed the door. She grabbed your waist and slammed her lips onto yours. Your lips moved in sync and your hands tangled in her hair. You finally pulled away, "Got to keep your job?" She nodded and bit her lip smiling. You chuckled and kissed her again.

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