Arrest. EmilyxReader

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You slipped on your boots and headed towards the door when it was broken in. "Get down!" You yelled and hit the ground. Bullets flew through the room taking out 5 people. The shooter not caring who he got or missed. You laid there for a minute fighting your FBI training and and eventually stood up calling 911. "What the hell happened Russo?" You were undercover in a drug ring under the name Jordan Russo. "I don't know boss, I was leaving for a delivery when the door flew open and he just started shooting." He stood in the middle of the living room scanning the damage before grabbing your arm and pulling you out the back door, "We're leaving before the cops get here." The two of you climbed into the car and he took off to the warehouse. The. ride there was full of tension. You were terrified you would be exposed soon but had a mission. "You never asked how I got involved in this?" Your boss spoke. "Not my business. I make deliveries and keep my mouth shut." You said in a matter of fact tone hoping to shut the conversation down. "I was involved in the death of a young mother. Once you cause someones, death you never get out of this stuff. You're stuck now." You let out a deep sigh, "How many kids did she have?" You wanted to know how much pain her family felt. "3, 2 girls and boy. Issac, Layla and Y/n. I think." You froze and gulped. You knew the guy you were after has been in the business for awhile, but he was involved in your moms death? "What's the matter?" You shook your head, "Nothing. I just lost my mother around the same age so I feel for her kids." He nodded in an understanding way and kept driving.

You were over seeing deliveries for your "boss" in the warehouse when you heard a small beep in your ear. The signal. You took a breath but continued as usual until the door busted in and SWAT, local PD, your team and FBI BAU swarmed in. You put your hands up as the one of the most gorgeous people you've ever seen walked to you and grabbed your hands, "You're under arrest-" "No I'm not. My boss is Steven Evans, I'm undercover, but you can arrest me anyday." You smirked and she laughed, "Well in that case for your safety, I'm still putting these on you." You nodded and she continued with the Miranda rights and led you outside. A few minutes later her and one other agent climbed into the SUV. "Where to agents?" You smiled and handed her the cuffs back. "The BAU for your interview. We want you on our team Y/L/N." The blonde said. "You're serious? This isn't some cruel joke?" They both laughed. "No, we're serious." You gasped and smiled before thanking the lord. "Emily Prentiss by the way." The brunette introduced herself, "Y/n Y/l/n, and usually a girl takes me to dinner before cuffing me, but I guess we can do it the other way around." She blushed and nodded. The blonde calling her out on it.

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