EmilyxReader Morgan has another sister?

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When you were growing up, you know how your mom always told you to bring a jacket just in case? Yeah well, apparently I didn't learn anything. Because I am currently freezing my ass off in the middle of this fancy ass neighborhood because Derek sent the wrong address and won't pick up his phone. I start to get back in my car when my phone buzzes, "Derek Morgan I am going to beat you-" "Woah sis, calm down. Turn around," I slowly turned around, "There ya go." I saw him standing in the front yard of a house and hung up. I walked to him and he engulfed me in a hug. "How's my only single sister doing?" I pulled away and slapped his arm, "Shut up! I didn't have time you know becoming one of the best security analyst in the country." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me inside. He opened the door to one of the nicest houses I've ever seen and led me to the kitchen. "Everyone I want you to meet Y/n, my youngest sister." I glanced around the room and smiled as I waved. "You've already met Garcia at the awards, that's JJ, her husband Will, Rossi, Hotch, Spencer, and Emily." Emily had this look of adore in her eyes and Garcia quickly caught on and gave her a wink. "Why did I have no idea you had another sister?" I walked to stand beside Emily at the counter, "Well it seems as though every time you guys are in Chicago I was either at school, the academy or on assignment." Emily quickly responded, "The academy? You're an agent?" I looked at her and smiled, "No, I'm a security analyst for the Navy, but I'm hoping to get this job at homeland security. I had my interview last week and I should know soon." She nodded. "That's impressive, and I'm assuming that's how you met Garcia?" Garcia beamed at me, "Lemme tell them!" I giggled and nodded, "You know how I nominated for that amazing award last year, well she won it! Derek was so torn up because I lost but so much more excited that his baby sister won." She high fived me and I laughed loudly. "I'm telling you she got all the brains and I got all the beauty." Derek said proudly and I shoved him, "We all know Cindi got that." Everyone laughed and we ate.

Emily's POV

After dinner we all sat by Rossi's fire outside and drank various beverages. "And then, he fell so hard, the entire house shook and mom was pissed. I swear Derek was going to get killed. Mom came downstairs yelling," In her best mom impression, "Derek James Morgan I am going to beat you senseless, why were you on my coffee table." She laughed with everyone and I swear it was music to my ears. I've had an attraction to this woman since she came in the house. She's so smart, and gorgeous and her laugh is the cutest. "Emily, Derek told me that you had a story about a guy named Viper?" I cringed at the thought and sat up to tell the story. "It was a case in Atlanta, and this guy taught a class on how to make women like you. After we asked him some questions he tried to make a move on me and basically say he could out smart me into sleeping with him." She chuckled at the story, and it made me smile bigger, "So when I went undercover in a club, he seriously gave it a shot and thought I was interested. An old agent and I basically called him out and left." Everyone laughed and Derek stood up, "Alright sis, if you're riding with me, I'm leaving, I have to teach some newbies at 6 am." Y/n groaned and looked at him, "But no one else is leaving and I wanna hear their embarrassing stories about you." She gave him an innocent smile and my insides lit on fire. She was killing me, "If you wanna stay longer I can give you a ride to Morgans later." I didn't realize what left my mouth until it did, I was terrified of being alone with her. "Thank you, Emily, now get going so they can embarrass you." He said his goodbyes and we kept telling stories.

"Thank you, Rossi!" I waved at him as we walked to my car. "It was nice meeting you! He's so nice. All of you are." I unlocked the car and walked around to the driver's side, "Trust me, when it comes to psychotic killers, we get mean real fast." She laughed and got in on the other side. "Thank you again for taking me home. I just haven't had a night out of my room, office, or a library in awhile. I don't think I've been to anything since grad school." I let out a chuckle, "Seriously, you're Morgans's sister and you didn't party in grad school?" She nodded, "Seriously. Morgan was the only one who got that gene. I got the tech nerd who came out on accident gene." She laughed and I smiled big. She's gay. "I'm sorry if this is wrong for me to ask but, what is that look in your eye when you look at me? It's like a look of adore." I was shocked that she noticed and gripped the steering wheel a little harder, "I just- you're-" I pulled up to Morgan's," You just amaze me. I mean in walks this incredibly talented, brilliant, really attractive woman and you expect to not like you?" She looked at me and smiled, "You just described yourself Miss Emily Prentiss." She opened her door and got out, "You should walk me to the door and protect me from any bad guys." I smirked and got out locking my car. We entered the apartment building and started up the stairs, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Back to the reader's POV

When we reached my brother's door I got the key out from under the mat and turned to face Emily. I wanted to kiss her so bad but was it too early? "I had an amazing time tonight with your team and you. Thank you for taking me home again." She took a step closer to me and her eyes kept flickering between my lips and my eyes. I could tell she wanted it too. I took a final step towards her and grabbed her collar pulling her lips into mine. She immediately kissed back and backed me into the door, her hands finding my waist as mine draped over her shoulders as our lips moved in sync. She pulled away and pecked my lips once more, "Goodnight Y/n. I'll see you later." I smiled and bit my lip, "Goodnight Emily, drive safe." I watched her walk down the hall and onto the steps. I unlocked the door and opened it expecting Derek to be asleep. "Holy shit Derek!" He was standing in the doorway with a smug look on his face. "Why are you awake?" He took my purse from me and sat it on the counter as I hung my keys up and slipped off my shoes. "I was waiting on you to make sure you made it safely. Anything you wanna tell me swollen lips?" I blushed but kept a smile from forming, "Nope. Guest bedroom in the same place?" He chuckled and nodded, "Goodnight Derek." I started to the room, "Goodnight kissy face."

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