What just happened? Jemily

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Emily and JJ had been undercover at a club in LA for almost an hour and nothing seemed to stick out. The rest of the team were watching through the security cameras as a man approached the two of you who were dancing but also profiling. "Hi, ladies!" The two stopped dancing and JJ almost vomited at the scent he gave off. "Which of you lucky ladies wanna come home with me tonight." He leaned against a nearby table and smiled proudly. "Look at their faces, something's off." Morgan pointed out how the female agents were trying to contain their facial expressions. Emily was trying to figure out this guy and JJ immediately recognized the scent, death. "I'm sorry my man but we're both taken." He stood straight up and got angry fast, "So two hot girls, come to the club, not looking for a hookup? That's bullshit, you're lying to me." Emily laughed, "Women are allowed to go out just to dance and have fun together." He shook his head and started talking with his hands rambling on about how the two were sluts for that. JJ eventually stepped in, "You don't ever, call my girlfriend," she grabbed Emily's hand, "a slut. Got it?" The man stopped moving and sighed, "Oh so you're dykes?" The two nodded and an "duh" kind of way. "Even better." He grabbed JJ's wrist and tried to pull her into him. He didn't succeed as Emily punched his wrist to make him let go. "Hotch move in, it's him." Emily spoke. "What the hell? You're cops?" JJ pulled out a pair of handcuffs from her purse, "Actually," she passed them to Emily who now had him face down on the table, "we're FBI." As the handcuffs clinked shut the rest of the team walked to them and Morgan grabbed the guy, at this point everyone in the club was watching them, some even recording. "Joshua Livingston you are under arrest for the murders of 8 women." As Morgan started the Miranda Rights and walked him out of there, Emily spoke to Hotch, "I'm gonna go take a second in the bathroom before we leave." The team knew she was gay so it was understandable, he called them dykes. Emily was attacked in high school by some kids in Germany. They carved the word dyke into her back. It was small but painful. So she got her first of 4 tattoos. JJ followed her and pushed the door open before Emily could lock it. JJ locked it behind her as Emily laid her head against the wall steaming with anger. "A dyke? Is dyke the worst he could've done? Not a sinner or disgusting, anything would hurt less." JJ was the only one who knew what happened in Germany. Emily started pacing, "Those kids in Germany ruined my life for me. They outed me to my mother and made me develop an eating disorder for pretty much all of college until I got my tattoo." The team stopped in their tracks realizing Emily and JJ left their mics on and they could hear everything. They didn't know what to do, so no one moved. "Emily, I know it's a painful word, but it's just a stupid word. You shouldn't let it affect you this much. Fuck the word."  Emily snickered, "You can't fuck a word Jay." She received a slap on the arm for that. "But seriously thank you JJ." The two hugged and as they started to pull away, it felt as though someone was pushing them closer together. JJ swallowed as Emily pulled her against her by her waist and started to lean in. JJ met her in the middle and their lips collided. Emily's hands rested on JJ's waist as JJ pulled her hands up to cup the brunette's face and eventually tangled in her hair as the two kissed for what seemed like ages. "What just happened?" Rossi asked as he pulled the earpiece out. "I guess we'll find out soon enough," Spencer said with a smirk and took his out too. The two kissing agents eventually pulled away with swollen lips and breathless. Realization hit Emily a little too late when her eyes landed on the mic pinned to the blonde's dress. "Shit. JJ, our mics." JJ stepped back and picked the mic up to her mouth, Morgan was still standing listening and laughing at the twos realizing the mics were on. "Derek Morgan you're a perv." JJ's voice very loudly came through the earpiece and Morgan winced in pain before ripping it out. The females laughed and walked outside. "You're a jerk." Morgan bluntly stated as they exited the doors. "And you're a perv. Let's go home." They all laughed and flooded into the SUVs no one wanting to talk about the kiss.

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