(3) First Day

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After the long study session, the small dorm decided to take a break. Because it was still nice and still bright outside, they spent their break in front of the dorm. Yuu and Y/N are laying on the field while Grim practices with Y/N's only rule not to burn anything his fire spells. The girl looked at the cloudless sky:" I never thought that I would spend my birthday like this. Without my family or even a cake. But maybe it's time where I should stop celebrating." Yuu turned to her:" Why don't you look older than 17 or maybe 18. These are birthdays you should celebrate at most!" Y/N closed her eyes in amusement:" Just forgot that you're from another world. Your knowledge is very small here. But I think that's for your best at first. I'm actually happy about that. With you I don't feel alone. You're my first friend, if I'm allowed to call you that?" The magicless boy nodded:" Of course! I'm also happy to call you my friend."

On the next day all three went down the street for their first class. On both sides are statues of the Great Seven. Both Grim and Yuu are staring at them. Suddenly, Grim bumped into another student, who was wearing a red school uniform:" Hey! Be careful where you're going!" He took a closer look at the monster:" You're the raccoon that interrupted the ceremony. With you two! Oh god that's so hilarious. You were such clowns on that day!" He pointed at Y/N and Yuu. Grim was ready to attack:" Who you called a raccoon?!" Y/N picked up Grim and put him in Yuu's arms then she turned to the respectless student. She knows that he's from Heartslabyul:" Do you know who I am? I mean of course you don't know it. if you know my family, you would never act like a douchebag. Let me introduce myself: I am Countess Y/N Hook. The firstborn of Earl Hook." It seems like the bell doesn't ring. The student just shrugged his shoulders:" Never heard of you. Sounds make up." Y/N grinned:" So it seems you're a freshman. Because you will hear of my family in the second year. Fine, let me explain it to you newbie. My family has been well known to serve the Draconia family since centuries. Do you now understand what situation you are in?" Y/N crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked cold at the now sweat dropping student:" So if you leave my dorm members alone?" Suddenly Grim freed himself from Yuu and attacked the Heartslabyul student:" Take that!" The boy used wind magic to change the direction of the fire. Unfortunately the fire melted the statue of the Queen of Hearts. Y/N runned to the statue and stopped the fire with water magic before it destroyed more:" Are you two insane?! Such a troublemaker and that on the first day! If the headmaster finds it out you may get expelled!" Like Y/N summoned him, the headmaster stood behind her:" I saw everything. Y/N could you be so nice and clean after your student?" He looked strict to the Hook heir. She used her magic and repaired the statue in no time. After that the headmaster looked both to Grim and the other boy:" You, with the red hair, state your name, dorm and class." The boy with the heart on his right eye looked at the ground:" Ace Trappola, Heartslabyul and Class 1.A-25, sir." The headmaster nodded:" Good, Y/N I wanted to see you now and I will call out Riddle Rosehearts. The housewarden of Mr. Troublemaker." He turned around to leave. Before Y/N followed him she asked Yuu to take care of the monster.

It didn't take long, Riddle and Y/N sat together in Crowley's office:" Both students of yours not only broke the rule not to fight with magic, they also destroyed the statue of the Queen of Hearts." Y/N stood up:" I take the punishment on me. I asked you to accept Grim as a student. So it's technically my fault that happened!" She bowed down. Riddle followed her lead but put a hand on her back:" My Rose, it was my student who provoked the one of yours. Your student is under your leadership that means he is well behaved. I should apologize instead of you." The girl whispers:" If you only knew." Riddle now spoke to the headmaster:" Let me handle the punishment of the student that broke the rule. I'll make sure he will regret it!" Y/N interrupted him:" I want to choose the punishment of these two. Trappola was disrespectful towards me. And besides this, Riddle. Educate your students better. He doesn't know anything about my family and makes fun of me and my family. I'm really disappointed in you. When I remember right your students are well known to follow the rules and they are clever and loyal. But I didn't see any of it. But not only Ace was to blame, my student was the first to attack yours. So I decided they should clean the entire library."

In the end Riddle and Crowley agreed and they agreed too that Y/N will guard their punishment. Yuu, Ace and Grim were waiting in the hall for the news. Y/N explained what they have to do after school. Ace looked at Grim:" It's all your fault!" So he left.

Y/N walked in the same direction:" Let's go, our first lesson will start soon."

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