S1 E003

893 27 23


I sat in my bathroom, covering up my bruises.

I had work in about an hour. if Mel and Jason saw this id be dog meat.

I quickly tied up my hair, and slid on my heel while limping over to my brother's room.

I quickly put on the other one, stopping at the doorframe as I knocked on the wood.

He was still asleep.

I sighed, and grabbed my ID off the counter in the kitchen.

I headed out of the front door, and started to walk to work.

I finally arrived, handing in my ID as the bouncer un-clipped the gate.

I made my way in, approaching Mel and Jason.

"your a bit late. you good?" Jason looked back at me while cleaning a few glasses.

"me? da, im fine." I nodded as he slid me my notepad and pen.

right. let's do this.

I walked through the stripclub, minding my way past a couple of people.

"anything I can get yous?" I stopped at a lounge of rich, older men.

"hey lovely, bourbon if you have any, and for Axel, just a dry martini. please." he winked.

"coming up, gentlemen." I smiled, writing that down, before walking back to the bar to Jason.

"ain't nothing going on between you and old ass over there, Kane?"

"I'm just sorely kind for tips." I chuckled, sliding the note to him as he nodded.


"come on, you know how we do it." Mel, Jason's girlfriend, spoke after coming behind me after giving my butt a little squeeze.

I nudged her playfully, laughing.

"I do, I do. just, kind of off putting when someone is flirting with a 70 year old alcoholic." he chuckled, placing the drinks on a tray and handing it to me.

"right, well that's what us women have to do to get food on the table. you wouldn't do so bad as a stripper yourself, hm?" Mel slid into the bar, kissing him.

"get a room." I snickered, and walked back to the table.

"for the two finest men in the club." I smiled, grabbing the drinks off of the tray, and placing them on the table before walking off to the other lounge.

"anything I can get your handsome bunch tonight?"

T O M S   P O V

"hey there princess. 3 tequila shots and 2 whiskey sours." I looked over to the girl, my eyebrows furrowing.


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