S1 E004

843 25 13

I stumbled up on the porch, sighing as I grabbed my keys and opened the door.

"just give me a chance! To-to be the mother i never was!"

my heart leaped into my throat.

the sight of my mother.

I bit my tongue, and stopped myself dead in my tracks.

she looked over to me, her eyes tearing up as she quickly approached.

"my little girl, you have grown so much." she whispered, placing her hand on my cheek.

I looked over to Harvey.

Lee was home.

Harvey had him securely held in his arms, sobbing and crying hysterically.

arms, crossed with tears flowing down their faces.

"get out, mom." I whispered.

"please." she mumbled.

I walked past her, and gathered my brothers to the side.

"I just.. I want to be a mother. To all of you!" she gestured to us.

I lifted Lee out of Harvey's arms, cradling him as I whispered to Harvey.

"when did she get here."

"about an hour ago. she wants to take Lee and run off."

"no fucking way. no, fucking way, he doesn't even know who you are?!' I laughed, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm his mother, Kirsty!" she cried, tilting her head with tears in her eyes.

"You were my mother too!" I blurted out, my eyebrows now furrowed as I continued to go on with tears, streaming down my face.

I felt my cheeks burn as I looked down, then up at her.

"but guess what! guess, what. we're all of your kids, Nancy." I shook my head, chuckling at her. how she randomly comes home, and demands custody.

"i-i just want to start a new life. I can't.. make it up to all of you.. but, with Lee, I still have time, kane!" she whispered.

"You're right. You can't make it up to any of us." I mumbled. "But you're not taking our brother."

"you're not their parent. i- i should be doing this!" She wiped her tears, muttering.

"really? cause I'm that close to home, mom.

-Harvey is smart, so fucking smart. he's going for engineering when he's older, Nancy. he has straight fucking A's. and..

-an-and..  if you even care to hear, I'm in fucking ROTC. and that-that's No thanks to you! because i did it. I did it, i did everything! everything, that your fucking ass couldn't do!" I stuttered, shaking my head.

"I-i know, and i thank you for taking care.. of my house, my family, my husband.. just, please, Kirsty." she whispered, slowly approaching as I backed away in such disappointment.

"nein." I laughed.

"no, no, you know what? make it up to them. Not me." I placed Lee in her hands, watching as my brother cried louder, reaching for me as he kept gripping on the rim my shirt.

"I've finished my work here." I pulled his hand off, sighing.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Kirsty, kirsty please."

"don't come running back to me when you can't put food on the table." I whispered.

I headed out of the house, into the rain as I closed the door.

I stepped off my porch, and walked to Bill's house.

Tears stung my eyes as I cleared my throat, and stepped up on the porch.

I knocked, and longed for an answer.

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