S2 E007

648 21 11

K A N E ' S

I headed over to Eddie, standing by him.

"dreadhead alright? that kid needs to grow some balls. I like his brother though, he can punch."

I stared at him, and sighed before nodding.

"Mm, he has ice. he'll be fine." I sighed, grabbing my shirt and my jacket as i started to put them on.

.   .   .

"so, hows your fucknut of a mother? she on her meds?" he muttered, not facing me. "thats really random, Eddie." I did a head turn, my eyebrow raised.

.   .   .

"well.. I just, I dont want her fucking you up for life." he crossed his arms.

I sighed and shook my head. "nein. she refuses to take it. and when she does its too late cause' shes up at two in the morning making fucking breakfast. and if its not that, then shes dancing with dad in the living room." I mumbled. "She always knew that it takes weeks for her meds to balance." I continued, zipping up my jacket.

can you imagine being seven and seeing your mother cut herself in the kitchen, in plain sight?

Eddie mumbled a little in serbian.

"I'm gonna go check on Tom." I sighed, crossing my arms as i looked over to him. there Tom was. his head tilted back with an ice pack over his face.

I laughed a little, approaching as i pulled it off. "ow, ow.. hi." he spoke simply, sighing as he rubbed his black eye.

"come on, we can stop by a hospital." I grabbed his hand, watching as he got up and followed behind me. i looked over to Bill, arguing with some guy.

"fucks sake." I grunted, approaching. "right, break it up. go home, mate." I looked at the man, sighing.

"yeah? well tell your fucking cunt of a friend to control his fucking temper." the guy spat. "my fucking what?" Bill stepped forward right as Tom tugged him back.

"I said go home." I raised my eyebrows.

"shut it, skank."

"watch your fucking mouth." Tom pressed his hand on my stomach, pushing me slightly back.

"come on, dont you know what she does for money?" he laughed. "I mean, all you have to do is ask nicely like the rest of us." he grabbed his crotch, giving it a squeeze.

I mumbled, looking away.

Tom laughed, shaking his head as he looked down. "go home." I nudged Tom. "yeah, I'm going to. because if i dont then im gonna cave his fucking head in." Tom muttered, taking a few steps away.

"can't stand up to your loved ones. Can you, Kaulitz? you clearly haven't changed."

Tom came back, punching him straight in the nose with a loud crack. The force of it was crazy, and sent the man straight to the floor with a thud.

"apologise." Tom kneeled.

"fuck, alright I'm fucking sorry!" He groaned, pressing his fingers against his nose, looking up at Bill and I staring with wide mouths.

"why are you looking at them? don't look at them, look at me. they aren't going to help you." he pulled the guys head to face him.

something about those words.

"and don't apologise to me, apologise to them." he reached into the mans pocket simply, flipping through his wallet.

was Tom who i thought he was?

an extroverted, funny sex addict who does stupid shit as a joke? I didn't know, and I wonder if he has the same thoughts about me.

"I'm- fuck, i'm sorry."

"thats great, owen. proud of you." Tom tossed the ID at his face, and pulled cash from his wallet before throwing it at him,
and walking off.

Tom looked back at us.

"you coming?"

jeeesus christ.

wild how fast someone can change moods..

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