S1 E008

875 20 28

K A N E ' S    P O V

"You alright?" Bill raised an eyebrow, grabbing a pack of cigarettes as he pulled out two.

I kept my face in the pillow before he hit my back.

I got up, sitting against the wall as I tilted my head back, sighing.

"oi?" Bill clicked his fingers, waving his hand in front of my face.

"pardon?" I muttered.

"You alright?"

I looked over at him with a nod. I tucked a cigarette before leaning in.

he lit my cigarette and watched as I took a drag.

It had been a while. I was going on and on about everything.

"I'm worried about Lee. I desperately need someone to watch him while I go to work, but can't find fucking anyone."

"I'll get one of my friends to sit him, alright?"

I sighed and nodded.

"m'kay. go home, get ready, and go to work."

"right," I mumbled and slid off the bed.

I got home, pushing open the door as I went upstairs.

I headed into my room, rummaging through my closet as I pulled out a hot pink dress.

I grabbed a pair of heels and placed those to the side before grabbing my makeup bag.

I'm hoping Bill doesn't make some random junkie Take care of Harvey and Lee.

I sighed and headed to the bathroom.

T O M ' S   P O V

"Nein." I sighed, putting a pillow over my face as Bill pulled it off of me and started hitting me with it.

"you will do this for kane, Tom! she's under a shitload of stress, and it's just for a night you bastard." he continued hitting me, standing on my bed as I groaned.


"Tom, get the fuck up or I will flog you."

"brotherhood.. an annoying younger brother, the brother with an annoying best friend, constantly getting bugged."

"brotherhood.. shut the fuck up, and get up." Bill smiled. smacking me with the pillow as he got off my bed, and left.

I sighed and sat up.

I lit a quick cigarette, sliding out of bed as I grabbed my clothes off of the floor.

I looked over to the other side of the bed. thankfully, Amerie left earlier.

I pinched my nose bridge. sighing as I pulled my boxers and my jeans up.

I yanked on a shirt, grabbed my cap and my sunglasses, and left.

K A N E   P O V

I got into work. grabbing my ID back and heading towards the bar.

"privet," I mumbled, rubbing my temples as I looked up at Jason.

"Hey. Lounge three, lounge five." he slid a tray of drinks to me.

I gave him a slight nod and headed over to the fifth lounge.

"anything I can get you all tonight?" I sighed, smiling a little.

"damn, your a gorgeous little принцесса.." he mumbled, smirking.

"an under-age принцесса." I smiled sarcastically, raising my eyebrows.

yet, I fucked someone two years older than me and someone who is a fucking adult. aka, my best friend's goddamn brother.

"hm.. two vodkas, love."

I nodded, writing it down.

the man leaned over to a boy. somewhat, around my age.

"yo, would you tap that?" The boy spoke to the man, gesturing to me.

"Mmm, one thing you should know is that girls like that.. don't abort."

I scoffed, giving them a dirty look before walking off.

pussies like that? water down their vodka and call it 'strong.'

fucking knobs.

T O M S   P O V

I was already exhausted.

Lee just wouldn't cooperate. wouldn't eat, wouldn't stop crying, wouldn't sleep either.

how the shit does kane handle them?

"come on, man.. please," I whispered, sitting down on the couch as I continued to talk to Lee. bawling his eyes out and hitting me with any chance he had.

"Aren't you tired? fucking hell.." I mumbled, tilting my head back as I sighed.

how does she do it?

I was so tired and just wanted to get this little shit to sleep.

I bit my lip, tilting my head upwards.

"my god," I muttered.

. . .


I looked down at Lee. his head tilted to the side with tears still in his eyes. his little fist gripped onto my shirt.

thank the fucking lord.

I slowly got up, Lee in my arms as I crept upstairs.

I kicked the bedroom door open, approaching his crib. I gently placed him in before pulling the blanket over him and quietly leaving.

now.. which rooms is Harvey's?

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