S3 E003

582 18 8

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist as i looked over to Kirsty. holding onto anything she could grip, and trying to catch her breath.

"you good, ma?" I raised an eyebrow as she nodded, catching her balance before immediately slipping. the sound of her face smacking onto the shower floor.

"ohh, that hurt.." she huffed, rubbing her nose with blood running down to her lip.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. laughing a little as i came back in, and lifted her up.

I stepped back out, placing her on the counter as i put a towel around her.

she let it drop, grinning.

"Kirsty i will take you straight back into that shower."

she snickered, pulling it over herself as she slid off the counter before dropping down onto the floor.



I sat her down on my bed, kneeling down as i pressed a tissue to her bleeding nose.

she sniffled, sighing.

"i have a headache."

"I wonder why." I raised an eyebrow, putting the tissue in her hand as she continued to press it against her nose.

I got up, heading over to my wardrobe as i swung it open. I pulled out two shirts, tossing one to her as she slid it on.

"I wonder if harvey is still mad at me."

"Mm, can't wait to tell him the news.." I mumbled, raising my eyebrows.

she sighed, pulling on a jean skirt as she dropped back down onto my bed.

"he hates my guts."

"I'm sure he does. he's a little cunt that one." I sat down next to her, shuffling a little as i put on my belt. she ripped one of my dreads as i laughed. "I'm kidding, ma."

"he does. It's true, I'm a reincarnation of my mother." she mumbled, tears in her eyes.

"alright, down to earth miss hormones." I sighed, pulling her head into my lap.

"I can't wait to get this thing out of me." she whimpered, putting her head in her hands. "get your shoes on then, babygirl." I rubbed her arm as she groaned.

K I R S T Y ' S - P O V

we walked into the clinic as Tom put on his sunglasses, and shoved his keys into his jacket pocket.

the drive here was excruciating. Tom told me i was incredibly open when i was this emotional. The feeling of something invading, and taking over your body. Things happening to you that you never knew existed. crying at practically everything and randomly getting horny afterwards.

I was scared, you know?

Tom sat down. pulling me onto his lap as he rubbed my thigh softly, soothing me from my thoughts.

my breathing was fast.

The image of someone having a needle near my pussy gave me the fucking shivers.

I felt a little guilt too. I was killing a life inside of me.

Tom's child.

"calm down, ma." he mumbled, pressing a kiss on my shoulder.

I looked over to the lady coming out of a room.

"Kirsty Keiser?"

I nodded, getting up.

"I'll be waiting, alright?" Tom spoke, grabbing my hand as he pressed a kiss on it.

"miss Keiser, just follow me."

I nodded again, following behind the woman as she led me to a cold, wide room. "remove your bottom half clothes and sit up on the bed with your feet pressed down on the pedals, please."

I pulled down my skirt, then my underwear before getting up on the blue medical bed. the cold plaster sending shivers down my spine as i parted my legs.

"so, how are you doing today miss Keiser?" she made small talk, noticing the nervousness on my face.

"just a little off trail." I muttered, my voice trembling. "everything will be fine." she looked back at me, grabbing a needle.

she went infront of my parted legs, pulling on her glove.

"alright. your going to feel a small pinch, then a little cramp in your stomach. can you take two slow breaths for me, miss Keiser?"

I breathed in, then out with tears in my eyes, but a stern look on my face.

in, out.

"good, your doing great. count backwards from three, please."




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