S1 E010

689 20 20

K A N E ' S   P O V

I rushed upstairs, getting into Lee's room.

he was on the floor, sobbing.

his crib was left wide open, and free for him to fall out.

i lifted him, hushing him while cradling his little body.

"The fuck happened?" Tom came in, holding onto the doorframe while he tried to catch his breath.

"he fell." I mumbled, sighing with tears in my eyes.

"jesus, calm down.. hes fine. babies are made out of fucking jelly at this point." he lifted Lee out of my arms, quieting him.

why was i crying? Lee always found a way out of his crib.

what the fuck is going on with me?

I itched the nape of my neck, pacing a little bit.

"what happened to Lee?"

my eyes dashed over to Harvey, standing at the doorframe.

"nothing, just.." i sighed.

"and why is he still.." harvey paused. staring at me, then at Tom.

"are you serious?"

i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"you're fucking him?!" Harvey spoke, his eyebrows furrowed as he gestured to Tom.

"Harvey, harvey it was a mi-"

"your slowly turning into mom. You know that?" He scoffed, shaking his head before leaving.

everything went slow.

"listen, i think you should go home." I spoke silently, grabbing Lee from Tom.

"Mm." he mumbled. pulling me in as he kissed my head, and left.

he looked disappointed.

"fuck." I mouthed, shaking my head in shame while i held Lee tight.

he babbled, looking up at me as he put his fist into his mouth.

I sighed, hearing Tom's voice from the next room over. aka, harveys room.

T O M S   P O V

"grow some balls, and apologise to your fucking sister. ungrateful little bitch." I spoke while walking past harveys room, groaning.

fucking kids. who likes them? They're only cute when they are goddamn babies.

K A N E ' S   P O V

I looked down with a small smile, placing Lee in his crib as i leaned forward.

I was considering calling my grandfather, Ed.

Eddie, or Ed, is a rebellious drug lord. who did the tattoo covering the scars on my back.

large angel wings.

In which, he tells me it's because i have a pure soul when it comes to people. That no matter what, i always put them first.

I pressed a soft kiss on my brothers head, and left.

i couldnt get what harvey said out of ny head. It just.. kept re-playing. like a broken fucking record.



and over.

'your slowly turning into mom, you know that?'

I went into my room, closing the door as i put my back to it, and slowly slid down with a trembling sigh.

I pulled my knees to my chest.

everything was building up.

I think its time to call him.

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