S3 E010

473 17 21

K A N E ' S - P O V

I put my back to the door, my breath shuddering as i slid down it.

I pulled my knees to my chest, silencing myself.

the two had left after their argument. I think they were hitting eachother. fist fighting, and cussing at eachother.

I heard my door slam, then complete silence.

I cried.

I cried, and cried,

and cried until i was shaking.

my face buried into the gap between my knees, the cold tile surrounding me and echoing my sobs throughout the bathroom.

my eyes, were red and puffy. stinging from the corners with my nose burning.

the man who i lost my virginity to, is a fucking murderer.

the man who got me pregnant, is a murderer.

the man there for me when my mother came back, is a murderer.

the man i trusted,

Is a murderer.

a murderer.

I shivered, goosebumps trailing my body as i continued to tremble.

the thought of it.

It.. wasn't just him.


Bill, the kindest, most social boy..

is.. is a murderer?

cold blooded men who kill.

I.. let them take care of my boys. the two little children that had my life in the palm of their hand.

they lied.

I got up, hitting anything i could in such anger.

I kicked the counter, swiped everything off, and punched the mirror until my knuckles were squirting blood.

I dug my nails into my arm, pinching myself while huffing and stimming the life out of myself.

I pinched all up my arm, my nails digging into the soft skin.

the outrage i haven't had since i was a kid.


they lied to me.

T O M ' S - P O V.

I walked through my house, straight to my bedroom while wiping my blood nose.

i pushed everything off of my desk, tugging ooen the drawers.

I know i left it somewhere. I know i did.
I pulled my cap over my face, groaning as i punched a hole in the wall. such rage coursing through me.

the kitchen.

I rushed out into the kitchen, tugging off my shirt as i put it over my bleeding hands.

I kneeled down below the sink, pulling open the cabinet as i grabbed out my glock.

I slammed out the used bullets, my eyebroes furrowed as i walked over to the other cabinet.

i swung open the door, grabbing the cigarette box filled with bullets.

I grabbed my car keys, grabbing my baseball bat before pushing my gun into my waistband.

Your life is ending.

Your life is ending one minute at a time.

times wasting, and im putting this shit to a fucking end.

I'll be the one to skin, and gut Tyler Mckinnon and hang him on a fucking hook. To leave him rot.

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