S2 E008

641 20 43

T O M S - P O V

I sat on a seat in the hospital, the nurse beside me preparing some stuff as i pulled off my shirt.

Kane, Bill and I were in seperate rooms. I was desperate for the answer to my question.

what did that guy mean?,

'You just have to ask nicely like the rest of us.'

The rest of you?

had she been a hooker or something?

I bit my piercing. a habit i had picked up a while ago.

I mean, I obviously wouldn't care. why would I care? I'm not jealous? she can fuck whoever she wants.

. . .

I gripped my forearm tightly, breathing out as i calmed myself with my pulse.

I noticed the nurse giving me occasional stares.

if Kane gets to fuck anyone she wants,
so can i.

I got up, grabbing the nurse as i crashed my lips onto hers.

K A N E ' S - P O V

I kicked my legs a little, looking up at the doctor as i smiled awkwardly.

"alright, miss Keiser. i have some news. Your ribs are fine, and.."

I zoned out.


I itched the back of my neck, nodding slowly while the doctor spoke.

"alright, uhm. you have a good night, miss Keiser." he gave me a slight nod, and left. I bit my tongue piercing between my teeth. a habit i had picked up a while ago.

I slid off the hospital bed, and left the room.I headed to Bill's one, knocking as the nurse gestured for me to come in. "privet. sorry i just wanted to say im going home, alright?"

he nodded, and smiled.

I stepped out, closing the door behind me.

I walked down the street. the cold air whipping me in the face, burning my nose as tears filled my eyes.

I grabbed my flip-phone, sliding it open as i dialed in Eddie's number.

i held the phone to my ear.


-Ha! got you, sucker. don't leave a voice message if its something stupid."

"hey. uhm, I know your busy so i wont call again. but.."

Eddie never ended up calling back. must have been a long night at fight club.

I nudged open the front door, kicking off my converse before pushing them in their usual place.

I headed upstairs, slowly stopping by Harvey's room. I pushed open the door, slowly approaching his bed.

I pulled the blankets over him, and pressed a kiss on his head. I turned off his lamp and headed out, closing the door behind me.

I then went to Lee's room. with a small push, I opened the door. I sighed, going over to his crib as I kissed his cheek. I pulled the thin blanket over him, gently caressing his face.

I leaned forward. mumbling to myself as I sighed, and left. I headed over to my room, closing the door as i dropped down on my bed.

I pulled my knees to my chest, tears in my eyes.

T O M ' S    P O V

I nudged open the front door, the nurse from before by my side as i smirked at her.

she giggled, heading in as i closed the door behind me.

"ladies first." I headed to my room, my hand out as she took it. I led her in, closing the door as i pulled off my shirt.

she pulled down her skirt, then unbuttoned her shirt. I pushed her down on the bed, parting her legs as a massive crash came from the front door.

I sighed, and slid off the bed.

"give me a minute, alright?" I zipped up my jeans, and headed out to the front door.

I opened it, to be immediately punched in the nose. "oh, fuck!" I grunted, backing away from him.

"you motherfucker!" he yelled, chasing me as I quickly jumped over the couch, bolting into the kitchen.

I stopped at a dead end as he punched me once again in the nose as i dropped. he grabbed me, and continued kicking and punching the fuck out of me.

I grunted in pain, my head slamming against the fridge as he smashed my head anywhere he could, his hand tightly gripping my dreads.

"I'll fucking kill you, you stupid little fucker!"

I saw Bill run in, immediately ripping off Eddie as he threw a few more punches with tears in his eyes.

"You-you got my little fucking girl pregnant, you fucking cunt!"


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