S3 E004

557 19 12

T O M ' S   P O V.

I bounced my legs repeatedly, sighing as I avoided my phone from the previous phone call from Tyler.

I groaned, picking up my phone as I held it between my shoulder and my ear.

"Tyler, fuck off."

"Got someone knocked up, Tom?"

I went silent.

"I see you."

I put my phone on an angle, seeing the reflection of the outside without turning around.

No one.

"Stop fucking around."

"Mm, casual Kaulitz's." He sighed.

"Kill yourself." I hung up, pushing my phone into my pocket.

I'm fucking dead if he ever gets a hold of me again.

K A N E ' S   P O V

I slowly walked out, sighing with the doctor beside me.

"Are you her boyfriend?" She spoke.

"Uhm," Tom muttered, then nodded before breathing out.

"She will be a little fragile for a while. she's dosed on some heavy drugs." She gave him a paper to sign.

He signed it, passing it back to the doctor as I looked up at him.

"How do you feel?"



"We can go get some takeout, alright?" He mumbled, pulling me close.

"They gave me a sanitary pad for the bleeding. I never wear pads, it feels like I have a fucking burrito between my legs." I sighed, and watched as he chuckled before planting a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"I could really use a milkshake and some fries right now."

"Mm? Well, let's get you that milkshake and fries, then miss hormones." He muttered, smiling a little as he pressed a small kiss on my neck.

He kept looking outside. From me, to the doors.

"I want to get out of here. It's giving me the fucking creeps." I sighed.

He chuckled, leading me out to the car.

"Did it hurt?" He looked back at me, opening my door as i got in.

"It's.. A pinch that makes you cry. Like, a spider pinch on your dick. imagine that."

I wasn't in the best mood. I don't think anyone could be after getting a needle up the vagina. How do they just walk out of there smiling? That shit hurt.

The room is so unneccesarily wide, and fucking cold.

Tom got in, placing his hand on my thigh as he tried to soothe me.

It was a lot. You know?

Were these the consequences of having mind-blowing sex with my best friends brother?

But I was in a pretty emotional state. When I'm emotional like that, I need someone around me. Tom was there.. But was it only because he wanted to fuck?

I wonder.

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